No Map, no illo??? Canon Refs?

By AK_Aramis, in Adventure: Operation – Shell Game

A map of the base - not of need detailed - but a general overview of the station would be INCREDIBLY useful. Even just a side view showing decks, and what facilities are on those decks would help immensely.

Even just an exterior view would help.

Also - Noting that Sterling Hershey wrote the WEG Hideouts and Strongholds book, and that the FireStar appears in there. Low level EU canon, but canon none the less.

I've checked for Hammer Station in wookiepedia and found an entry - Hammer Station is an old republic base in the SW:The Old Republic video game, and is apparently not a FireStar class.

A map of the base - not of need detailed - but a general overview of the station would be INCREDIBLY useful. Even just a side view showing decks, and what facilities are on those decks would help immensely.

Even just an exterior view would help.

Also - Noting that Sterling Hershey wrote the WEG Hideouts and Strongholds book, and that the FireStar appears in there. Low level EU canon, but canon none the less.

I've checked for Hammer Station in wookiepedia and found an entry - Hammer Station is an old republic base in the SW:The Old Republic video game, and is apparently not a FireStar class.

Right. That's what I was trying to relate though with less verbosity. Thanks!

Was wondering if the map released with the AoR Beginner box set might suffice but there was an old d20 Rebels and Imperial Map set released that might help.

Will check this out later tonight seems an odd oversight.

I'm on it!

Also, Check "Perlemian Haul", the adventure at the final product, is what Shell Game could be. Look up "Dead in the Water - Galaxy Master kit".

Both of thier story and structure is a good template for any capital ship takeover.

They will inspire you to make better of Shell Game's concept.