Need help regarding a crossover fanfic I'm writing with Anima rules involved

By Xamusel, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

You see, I'm working on a Naruto fanfic that has Anima: Beyond Fantasy as one of the crossover franchises in it, and I decided to make use of the rules of combat in Anima. Now, unfortunately for me, this means that I need to actually make character sheets for the characters in the story that will actually be fighting as a party, as well as figure out what enemies they'll be facing.

If anyone's wondering, I have the actual story in this document on Google Drive, here . I just need help with figuring out how to get the actual stats and such figured out (not just for the two that will be fighting as main characters, but for the NPCs and for the enemies, as well).

As for the actual story being posted anywhere, I'll post it in the Anima Fan Fiction subforum when I finish the prologue, as it will be an Anima story.

Thank you for your time.

By the way, if anyone could help me with making a couple character sheets for the two that will be fighting, that would be really appreciated.