Multiplayer games?

By Bobby-Winky, in Mutant Chronicles

Do rules exist for multiplayer Mutant Chronicles games? If not, has anyone tried a 3-player game? How did you work out map size, deployment, turn sequence, activations... etc?

Thanks in advance! happy.gif

Yes, unofficial ones. I have written them as Epic variant because they are larger than Tournament ones.

Multiplayer Rules

Wonderful! Thank you for the quick reply.

I was hoping there might be some design for a three-player version. However, I believe the three person dynamics seems to be the most difficult design for any miniature setting.

The problem with 3 players games is always the situation where 2 players makes a temporary alliance to defeat the 3rd one (the most dangerous believed). I thought too about the actuel gameboard deployment zones : there is always a player who is placed between the two others (if we use three of the four zones available). Maybe a customized map with an hexagon shape and three symmetrical deployment zones would be a first solution.

Has anyone played Nexus Ops? You build a hexagon shaped map out of smaller hexagons. Then you place the players home bases differently depending on whether you play with 2, 3 or 4 players. In the corners so to speak.

I've been thinking that you could do something similair for MC with loose pieces of deployment zones and a big hexagon shaped map.