I'd sooner just drop all real-world inferences when it comes to Star Wars. They never look good.
That's because Lucas never intended to simulate the real world....
I'd sooner just drop all real-world inferences when it comes to Star Wars. They never look good.
That's because Lucas never intended to simulate the real world....
Hey, I just didn't want to say it outright lest it veer too real-world for some, considering how it's still a divisive topic at times in the USA along politically partisan lines...
Star Wars more current so awful lessI'd sooner just drop all real-world inferences when it comes to Star Wars. They never look good.
Mind you, that's actually what I thought of the prequel Jedi...
P.S. Hope that you'll have some free time soon in which to draft a reply!
Edited by ChortlesThe same way Lucas et al assembled Star Wars out of bits of Flash Gordon, bits of War Movies, bits of Samurai Movies, bits of Westerns and bits of anything else they thought was cool.
The Alliance are vietcong except when it is cooler to be the Allies in the second world war or NATO in the cold war or the Good Guys from a Call of Duty game. The Empire are Nazis or the British Empire or the US in Vietnam except when that would make them look cool, when they are North Koreans or Bin Laden's Caliphate instead.
uh? So you have special insight into the workings of Lucas' creative process? You, my little poor thing, are delusional.
As for you stupid remarks about RL comparisons... there is nothing cool with being compared to or feel like being any of those sides in any war, any context, any imagined fictional world. These things are not cool, they are real. Anyone feeling "coolness" in this are either stupid, retarded or just a spillage of semen in the wrong ovary, or Petri dish. War, killing and ideological warfare isn't "cool". Some might deem it necessary, but there is nothing cool about it, grow up. Of course, an imagined ideological warfare simulated and roleplayed is, at least in my mind, different.
Anyone feeling "coolness" in this are either stupid, retarded or just a spillage of semen in the wrong ovary, or Petri dish. War, killing and ideological warfare isn't "cool". Some might deem it necessary, but there is nothing cool about it, grow up. Of course, an imagined ideological warfare simulated and roleplayed is, at least in my mind, different.
And this is my biggest problem.
Erick, I have family that died in WWII and relatives who never got over it. My father in law fled from Indonesia to escape the killings of the Chinese AFTER his father had been indentured in a Japanese prison camps for nearly 3 years. I had a grandfather that did years of hard labor in a german work-camp nearly dying because of it, a grandmother that got separated from her parents for 4 years and much much more… Heck, I (as my forum name shows) come from Rotterdam, a city that was bombed into oblivion during WWII and whose collective psyche still hasn’t recovered from it.
So, I have no need for some prick on the internet ruining a game I enjoy in a fictional universe that has been a playground for me for 30 years. None whatsoever.
I am sick and tired of the real world references you are making, let alone the allusions to the fact that I would be a nazi supporter. In fact I am open minded enough to understand that the ACTUAL Nazi’s in WWII were for the most part people who had no idea what went on in that war. After 2 decades of poverty, starvation and being on the receiving end of all the **** that went on in Europe they saw no other option. Not to mention that those made to fight had not even been born in the conflict before that had started it all.
These are things that my family and many others like mine had to endure not really that long ago, hell I just got back from Vietnam only 2 months ago after traveling around there for a month. We are talking about a country that is still scarred from an actual war 50 years ago. People still are recovering from it and every year people come out off the jungle not having realized the war ended decades ago. Monuments and heritage still lies in shambles, there are people still suffering from birth deficiencies caused by agent orange and the country can hardly pay for its own recovery but, hey, guess what, they are civil and welcoming to US citizens!
Erick, the remarks you make are so far removed from anything even resembling good taste that I wonder whether you are doing this on purpose or whether you are just that stupid. I am sick and tired of the disrespect you show.
I ask you to stop doing this.
Edited by DanteRotterdamLost one grandfather in the war, and another just after in Cardiff's dry-docks. So yeah, I'd sooner lose the real-world references.
While Lucas clearly draws from all manner of real-life sources, from WW2 to Asian mythology, these are just themes, as Tolkien did with Lord of the Rings, and (the unfortunate use of the word 'stormtroopers' aside) I don't think he explicitly ever intended the Empire to equate to Nazis.
P.S. Hope that you'll have some free time soon in which to draft a reply!
Will do!
Friendly reminder: cinematic/TV scenes should not and really cannot be properly explained using game mechanics. That diminishes both mediums substantially. Nothing in cinematic storytelling is left to chance and nothing in an RPG storyline is predetermined from game start.
Friendly reminder: cinematic/TV scenes should not and really cannot be properly explained using game mechanics. That diminishes both mediums substantially. Nothing in cinematic storytelling is left to chance and nothing in an RPG storyline is predetermined from game start.
So if I have a mission where rebels have to destroy a star destroyer if the players fail, it may not be destroyed but it will be damaged to the point that it is removed from the battle. The trick to this id knowing the destinstion, but not the route taken.
My main point is trying to shoehorn or explain movie scenes into or using strict compliance with the game rules is just folly. I see your point with regard to the RPG, and mainly what I meant there was the characters' involvement and success/failure is not predetermined at the start of a game, unlike the end of a movie being set from the beginning.
Just an aside. I know its not canon, but I like the idea that stormtrooper helmets have a HUD and sensor system. It makes more sense to me and also deals with the limited visibility aspect that is made fun of so much. The system gives them 180 degree viewing combined with the Enhanced Optics Suite.
Wasn't the in-universe explanation for Luke's " I can't see a thing in this helmet! " that he got locked out of the stolen helmet's system? (According to Wookieepedia, the out-of-universe explanation is that Mark Hamill made a thought-the-cameras-were-off ad-lib because his helmet prop didn't have appropriate eyeholes.)
Just an aside. I know its not canon, but I like the idea that stormtrooper helmets have a HUD and sensor system. It makes more sense to me and also deals with the limited visibility aspect that is made fun of so much. The system gives them 180 degree viewing combined with the Enhanced Optics Suite.
So is this stat block separate from regular laminate armor + EotE CRB customizations?
So is this stat block separate from regular laminate armor + EotE CRB customizations?
It's Laminate with two new attachments in order to create my personal version of Stormtrooper armor. I understand others may hate it, but it works for me as a GM. I can post the sandtrooper and scouttrooper versions to more understand what I was doing if you are interested?
See I have stormtrooper armor as laminate with the enhanced optics suite, superior, and vacuum-sealed attachments (if you're going to stick to official attachments). That uses up all the hardpoints of the armor. In universe it is highly illegal to be caught with a suit or parts thereof.
I've occasionally pondered that Stormtrooper armour has no blaster resistant properties at all but is rather an equivalent of armour worn by riot cops when suppressing civil disorder.
This properly refects the Stormtroopers main role of massacring unarmed civilians, and explains why it isn't camouflaged or appears to provide them any protection in lightfights.
Rebels Troopers, being soldiers instead of riot cops, wear camouflage, and maybe even vests with plates intended to stop blaster bolts instead of hurled bricks.
Edited by ErikBWhat colour is the sky in your world?
Beyond the movies there are stormtrooper armours of other colours, including camouflage. I don't worry much about the properties of imaginary equipment much in imaginary worlds making sense. Only insofar as to whether I am presenting something that appeals to my sense of aesthetics.
Rebel soldiers also wear vests and salad bowls for helmets. We also see rebel troops wearing snow suits on hoth. The commando team only wore jumpsuits, ponchos and helmets. Don't recall any armour in the movies.
Most armour is not designed to take a direct hit but to convert a lethal shot into a debilitating one.
The empire has a doctrine of fear. Seeing the white armour of a stormtrooper means 'back off' this is imperial business.
You should read up on the storm commandos. They generally had armour matched to the mission if needed.
As to stormtroopers killing civilians, it is a well documented case that beru got sick of the abuse from owen and activated a thermal detanator killing herself and her violent husband.
As for the jawas, the most likely resisted because they had stolen merchandise.
Sonething else, the armour vehicles and well.. everything, is designed to look cool rather than be functional. This is why we have sound in space, why the vessels only use forward momentum on mostly two dimensional plane. They have rule of most movies is make it look cool rather than 'real' or whatevef passes for real in erikb's world. Seriously dude, tk quote Princess Leia "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain"
Also, now we know that the Stormtooper Legions and the Clone Trooper Battalions are entirely unrelated organisations, we might ponder that the original Stormtrooper Legions were constituted from the gangs of street fighters that formed the paramilitary wing of the New Order and existed to beat up political opponents of Palpatine's rule in the early days of the Empire.
Edited by ErikBSonething else, the armour vehicles and well.. everything, is designed to look cool rather than be functional. This is why we have sound in space, why the vessels only use forward momentum on mostly two dimensional plane. They have rule of most movies is make it look cool rather than 'real' or whatevef passes for real in erikb's world. Seriously dude, tk quote Princess Leia "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain"
Actually, there is NO sound in space even in Star Wars. That would be impossible.
Instead, everyone in that Galaxy has the tiniest bit of force ability and hears the sounds they would expect to hear or feels the incoming menace (ie the ships swooping down and firing) and their brain interprets it as sound.
* Just my running theory, not supported by any EU material what-so-ever.
Rebel soldiers also wear vests and salad bowls for helmets. We also see rebel troops wearing snow suits on hoth. The commando team only wore jumpsuits, ponchos and helmets. Don't recall any armour in the movies.
I don't think it is a million miles to go from
Wasn't the in-universe explanation for Luke's " I can't see a thing in this helmet! " that he got locked out of the stolen helmet's system? (According to Wookieepedia, the out-of-universe explanation is that Mark Hamill made a thought-the-cameras-were-off ad-lib because his helmet prop didn't have appropriate eyeholes.)
Just as an aside, I have trouble believing that, since all of the dialogue with helmets on would have been looped in post-production. Of course it's possible that Mark made that remark and George liked it and 'wrote it in', but it's just as likely that the line was always in.
Actually, I just realized that I have a copy of the Jan 15, '76 final draft here (in The Art of Star Wars ), and the line is in.
Annnnnd, that's enough nerdity from me.
I've occasionally pondered that Stormtrooper armour has no blaster resistant properties at all but is rather an equivalent of armour worn by riot cops when suppressing civil disorder.
This properly refects the Stormtroopers main role of massacring unarmed civilians, and explains why it isn't camouflaged or appears to provide them any protection in lightfights.
Did you just equate real world cops having a role of massacring of unarmed civilians? Did you really just say that? Please respond for once so I know for sure that you just expanded from Imperials = Nazis to Stormtroopers = Modern Cops.
Also, now we know that the Stormtooper Legions and the Clone Trooper Battalions are entirely unrelated organisations, <my snip>
I don't think it is a million miles to go from
I don't think it's a millions miles to go from