Dave Filoni says Stormtroopers suck

By ErikB, in General Discussion

Which is hilarious in and of itself when you realize what that says about Star Wars fans and not just the 501st.

Welcome to fanboy psychology 101. Now, how can we apply that knowledge to make a roleplaying game ABOUT PLAYING REBELS!!!1111!!!! they will enjoy?

Edited by ErikB

They probably will, because they will be stormtroopers, and stormtroopers are cool elite trooper.

Which is hilarious in and of itself when you realize what that says about Star Wars fans and not just the 501st.

Not to forget Boba Fett... huge fan group, never hits anything (at least Leia is hit by a Stormtrooper in the shoulder), screams like a child and is swallowed whole by an immobile dunedwelling parasite... what does that say about Mandalorians? meeh...

Not to forget Boba Fett... huge fan group, never hits anything (at least Leia is hit by a Stormtrooper in the shoulder), screams like a child and is swallowed whole by an immobile dunedwelling parasite... what does that say about Mandalorians? meeh...

hilarious a running-away kind of fight

... while the latter's actual doings in the movie are close a door, briefly pilot/gun in Slave I as a distraction, later be all sad holding his dad's severed head (let's not kid ourselves, that helmet wasn't empty), stand around, manage to talk back to Vader without getting Force choked... and then proceed to go out like a sucka , just the way Samuel L. Jackson told Lucas not to let Mace Windu go out like. IIRC the Episode VI novelization even as Luke knocking him out at one point, albeit he woke up from that and gave things another go before he finally went out.

It gets worse when you realize that Karen Traviss threw the Jedi overboard for this .

Edited by Chortles

I feel I should note that the TIE/Sue Chortles is such a fanboy for isn't even IN the movies...

Although, even if the Rebels win, they die like flies, have to kamikaze a stardestroyer to destroy it, get shot from behind numerous times, I guess they can't dodge or didn't learn how to fly properly, get shot out of the sky repeatedly... I don't know if that's any better.

I mean, aside from the main characters everyone is expendable, on both sides of the conflict... which goes to show that these things serve the story . It seems the centre of it all is the story, plot and what the writer of said story intends it to end like. Which, when it all comes down to it means that there is no objectively right or wrong way to portray these things, it is up to the story maker(s), which for the roleplaying game is the GM and the players...

Edited by Jegergryte

In that case, why do people want to play the Rebels, and why is it always the Empire that ends up losing? And why is Dave Filoni downplaying their fighting ability?

Isn't one of the thing that ticks you off is that a lot of people don't JUST want to play Rebels, but want to play Imperials, too? Isn't that why you're having a hissy fit?

Not least because people are outright accusing ErikB of willfully misinterpreting Filoni's words which, according to Sturn, includes " It doesn't mean they aren't effective, they are "...

Podcast is there for all to listen to. Form your own opinion on what he says.

Umm, it isn't an opinion. I quoted what he actually said. It's you who seem to be suggesting he said things, that he didn't.

His sinister outfit is explained how?

Because wondering around in sinister outfits choking people is the Empires whole MO and a lot of the reason the galaxy is glad to see the back of them.

cite where most of the galaxy knew Vader went around choking anyone

I confess I don't even know who Dave Filoni is (I assume he's some kind of Disney guy that ErikB is obsessing about).

And seeing as I'm 99.9% not going to watch the new movies, and 100% not going to watch this new cartoon, I'm not sure what relevance it has to EoE.

Dave Filoni will have as much impact on my games as Dave Lister, i.e. none.

Which is hilarious in and of itself when you realize what that says about Star Wars fans and not just the 501st.

Welcome to fanboy psychology 101. Now, how can we apply that knowledge to make a roleplaying game ABOUT PLAYING REBELS!!!1111!!!! they will enjoy?

And if they did - make an RPG that is - would you play it?

Funny how that's the one question you constantly ignore...

stand around, manage to talk back to Vader without getting Force choked... and then proceed to go out like a sucka , just the way Samuel L. Jackson told Lucas not to let Mace Windu go out like. IIRC the Episode VI novelization even as Luke knocking him out at one point, albeit he woke up from that and gave things another go before he finally went out.

Well, do remember Darth Vader did single him out for the "No Disintegrations" comment... so you can tell he is a bad guy if Darth Vader is the one who tells him to cool it...

But yeah, I don't know why he got such a following.

stand around, manage to talk back to Vader without getting Force choked... and then proceed to go out like a sucka , just the way Samuel L. Jackson told Lucas not to let Mace Windu go out like. IIRC the Episode VI novelization even as Luke knocking him out at one point, albeit he woke up from that and gave things another go before he finally went out.

Well, do remember Darth Vader did single him out for the "No Disintegrations" comment... so you can tell he is a bad guy if Darth Vader is the one who tells him to cool it...

But yeah, I don't know why he got such a following.

For the same reason Darth Vader and the stormtroopers were so cool. The armour. Darth was awesome in that black skull like armour. Then comes Empire Strikes Back and we get this cool looking bounty hunter wearing cool looking armour, especially the helmet. Clothes make the man. Here was a guy in cool armour, bristling with weapons, that was used by the Empire. What was his story? What was the story of the armour? Way back, when it was determined he was wearing the armour of the now gone, and unknown, Mandalorians, that sounded so cool. But at this point he's become the Wolverine of the Star Wars universe.

But yeah, I don't know why he got such a following.

The armour, dude. Chicks dig the armour. ;)

But yeah, I don't know why he got such a following.

The armour, dude. Chicks dig the armour. ;)

Yeah, my wife grew up with a heck of a crush on Darth Vader.

Hell man, so did I! But in my defence... there could have been a woman under all that plating. :D One could hope, right?

The Armor and the Mystery of what's inside..

Hahaha, yeah, the cool factor. Chicks indeed love a man (or a woman) in armour.

To be honest, I loved the sheer mystery... When I didn't know what Mandalorians were, or what the 'Dark Lord of the Sith' meant.

There are many good reasons to hate the sequels (and yes, I think of them as sequels) but for me, the worst thing is that they made Darth Vader uncool. He was no longer James Earl Jones but a loathsome whiny brat portrayed by a shockingly poor actor. 'Do Not Want'. It made me realise how much I really didn't need to see: 'Darth Vader: the Awkward Teenage Years'.

In fact, the entire EU feels a bit like this to me. I'd sooner make stuff up myself than rely on someone else's fanfiction.

There's a lesson here about keeping things mysterious, about not telling us too much, and that less is sometimes more.

Edited by Maelora

Do I have to quote chasing amy again?

Do I have to quote chasing amy again?

Kevin Smith dialogue is always welcome.

As long as we don't go into Jersey Girl territory...

Or Barbie Girl territory...

Actually, stormtroopers are deadly when allowed to be and Dave Filoni is wrong. Lets look at the time we see Stromtroopers in action (originally from Reddit):

Boarding of the Tantive IV:

Are Stormtroopers trying to kill people: Yes.

Do Stormtroopers actually hit people: Yes. Despite the rebels defending a natural chokepoint, the Stormtroopers are able to brush them aside while suffering only light casualties. Stormtroopers demonstrate an ability to easily land kill shots while advancing forward.

Jawa Sandcrawler:

Are Stormtroopers trying to kill people: Yes.

Do Stormtroopers actually hit people: Yes. Obi-Wan Kenobi even remarks upon their accuracy and precision.

Death Star:

Are Stormtroopers trying to kill people: No.

During the initial confrontation in the security room the imperial forces were likely trying to kill the protagonists, but were unsuccessful due to the good guys having both the element of surprise and a wookiee. After this point, Imperial forces are well aware of what is going on and are under orders to allow the good guys to escape while putting up enough of a fight to look convincing because a tracking device has been placed on the Millennium Falcon. Han and Luke fall for this ploy, but Leia remarks on how they were allowed to escape.

Do Stormtroopers actually hit people: No.

Battle of Hoth:

Are Stormtroopers trying to kill people: Yes.

Do Stormtroopers actually hit people: Yes. They are able to enter Echo base and overrun the remaining base defenders so rapidly that they almost succeed in capturing Leia and Han.

Cloud City:

Are Stormtroopers trying to kill people: No. They are under orders to prevent Luke from linking up with Lando, Leia, and Chewbacca and to herd Luke into the carbon freezing chamber.

Do Stormtroopers actually hit people: No. By scoring many near misses, they are able to use disciplined and accurate blaster fire to prevent Luke from linking up with his friends and instead pushing him into the carbon freezing chamber.


Are Stormtroopers trying to kill people: Yes.

Do Stormtroopers actually hit people: Yes. Of the four main characters present who are worth shooting at (Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and R2-D2) two of them are hit by Stormtroopers that are firing from the hip at relatively long range. This once again demonstrates excellent marksmanship and skill in modern day point-shooting techniques. Its also worth noting that despite being ambushed by a significantly numerically superior indigenous race that knows the terrain, the Stormtroopers are able to relatively easily fight their way out of the initial ambush and push the Ewoks back into the woods. It is only after the Stormtroopers split up into smaller groups in order to chase down fleeing Ewoks that the battle turns against them. Admittedly pursuing the fleeing Ewoks was a terrible tactical decision, but that suggests severe overconfidence on the Stormtroopers part rather than poor marksmanship.

Overall, Imperial Stormtroopers consistently demonstrate excellent marksmanship when they are actually trying to shoot people. In addition, they demonstrate a willingness to, without hesitation, follow orders that put them at an extreme risk (deliberately not trying to shoot people who are shooting at you). The actions of the Stormtroopers in the movies (most of which were later fluffed to be part of the elite 501st Imperial Legion), is consistent with their description of being an elite, fanatically loyal fighting force.

Also: read this article from Cracked: http://www.cracked.com/article_18858_the-biggest-star-wars-plot-hole-explained-by-science.html

That's interesting.

But "a legion of my best troops" gets totally overrun by Ewoks.

It seems more accurate to me to say that Stormtroopers are the mooks and their performance fits the needs of the plot.

Edited by Jedi Ronin

Nah, they're epic. It's the rebels who constantly run with their tails between their legs. :P

Nah, they're epic. It's the rebels who constantly run with their tails between their legs. :P

And yet, when the Rebels are backed in to a corner and forced to turn and fight it is the Death Stars that don't walk away...

On the subject of ewoks... the only thing I noticed about that scene is that the furballs took down Imperials where the Rebels got owned.


Ewoks > Imperials > Rebels.

I confess I don't even know who Dave Filoni is

Hes the big cheese behind the Clone Wars show and one of the big cheeses behind the Rebels show.

Incidentally, Anakin is much less of a pillock in the Clone Wars show.