This thread is madness!
This thread is madness!
You appear to have some trouble not responding to things you don't like to hear. I shall not bother you again.
Oh so it is my fault...
Thanks for clearing that up by continuously posting in a topic from someone you have on ignore.
I know you have him on ignore... I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't know that. I mean, you have told us numerous times by now. No need to tell it anymore, you sir are awesome. I tip my hat to thee.
Oh, except for the fact that you asked me why I felt OP needed to be banned and then, again (for the millionth time) wanted to show your maturity by teling us that you have the OP on ignore, totally ignoring what I said about the motives (after which you yourself had inquired.)
I think before this thread is locked I should point out the ironic fact of disney being the ones saying the truth of what stormtroopers are (and other of ErikB's rants) are the same people that horribly alter old tales, such as the little mermaid. How manh of you know she dies in the end?
After looking at all of the discord amongst Star Wars RPG fans being stirred up in this thread, I had an epiphany:
After looking at all of the discord amongst Star Wars RPG fans being stirred up in this thread, I had an epiphany:
He's from Section 31. It all makes sense now.
Pretty cool images. I guess I never saw Vader as being that...visible though.
I too figured that Vader was a mostly unseen hatchetman for the Emperor. Keeping him out of the public eye would help to maintain the illusion that the Galactic Empire was a lot more benevolent than it truly was. When Vader did make an appearance, he probably had to choke a b!tch or two to get some people to recognize that they shouldn't mess with him.
Just came back from a four day session in York. It was a blast.)
York Ontario ? Let's play!
York as in the original, in the UK. Maelora is a glorious subject of Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II, just as I am
As am I. A proud servant of her Majesty, in Oath as well as citizenship.
Leia's certainly aware of his reputation. "Darth Vader. Only you could be so bold."
And the EU has him having a huge palace on Coruscant and attending large Imperial Academy graduation ceremonies alongside the Emperor.
I think before this thread is locked I should point out the ironic fact of disney being the ones saying the truth of what stormtroopers are (and other of ErikB's rants) are the same people that horribly alter old tales, such as the little mermaid. How manh of you know she dies in the end?
Hunchback of Notre Dame too. Hugo would have turned in his grave.
As am I. A proud servant of her Majesty, in Oath as well as citizenship.
Hee hee, I'm a rebellious and grudging subject!
Millandson actually said something about it still being legal to shoot the Welsh in some cities
So Edge of the Empire is Star Wars: Sin City: The Roleplaying Game ? Awesome marketing tag line right there.
Works for me
I love me some noir.
I too figured that Vader was a mostly unseen hatchetman for the Emperor. Keeping him out of the public eye would help to maintain the illusion that the Galactic Empire was a lot more benevolent than it truly was. When Vader did make an appearance, he probably had to choke a b!tch or two to get some people to recognize that they shouldn't mess with him.
This varies a bunch in EU lore, especially since apparently Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope set him down as a visible terror when, as another EU author pointed out much more recently, Episode IV itself paints a somewhat more pathetic picture of him...
I would figure that the propeganda machine the empire has (and every political organization has one, rebellion as well) would paint Darth Vader as a hero of the clone wars, who defeated the usurping Jedi.
I've always felt the Empire was the kind of organisation who were more in to being feared than loved.
People repeat the party line not so much because they believe it but because Vader will force choke them if they don't.
Edited by ErikBI've always felt the Empire was the kind of organisation who were more in to being feared than loved.
I believe that was the point that Tarkin tried to sell the Emperor on (successfully).
Tarkin isn't a rogue element but a typical son of the Empire.
If you say so, Erik. We'll have to agree to disagree, of course.
I believe that was the point that Tarkin tried to sell the Emperor on (successfully).
... so, Tarkin was the Star Wars equivalent of the
Bomber Mafia
Fighter Mafia
But yeah, there's EU bits on how a (noticeable) bit of the Imperial Navy didn't agree with the Tarkin Doctrine, not least because of what that meant for Imperial procurement, versus what they saw to be actually needed " on the front line " so to speak.
There are EU bits that say Stormtroopers know how to fight but I don't see much reason to pay attention to them.
Stormtroopers fight like a boss.
Ah Erik, you and your Rebellion propaganda. You know very well stormtroopers are da bomb. Culled from the best, they are the elite of the Empire Military.
There are EU bits that say Stormtroopers know how to fight but I don't see much reason to pay attention to them.
Making generalized statements about an entire group of people seems awfully close to imp-behaviour to me, Erik...
There are EU bits that say Stormtroopers know how to fight but I don't see much reason to pay attention to them.
Okay, I'll bite - what leads you to this conclusion? And I'm not asking flippantly, I mean it sincerely - what on-screen evidence has you forming the hypothesis that Stormtroopers are weak in combat?
Millandson actually said something about it still being legal to shoot the Welsh in some cities
And probably in Florida too...