Kingdom cards and strategy cards question

By Sails of Atlantis, in Age of Conan

I have a question regarding "The serpent ring of set."

It says the stygian player can spend on sorcery token to force an opponent to discard one of his character cards in play that needs to be refreshed...

If the opponent targeted has two or more characters in play and needs to be refreshed, who gets to choose which character card is discarded?

2nd question...

Guards of Aghrapur says to use at the start of a military contest. It does NOT say the military contest must be during the Turan player's turn. So if the Turan player gets attacked in a province that is defended by less than 4 army units, or the province rating of an undefended (but controlled) province is less than 4, then he can use this card to boost the rating to 4 for that one military contest where Turan is defending?

The Hand of Nergal also says something similar.... "Play before a military contest...blah, blah,"

It does not say that it has to be the Turan player's turn...


Can defenders also use strategy cards during a contest even though it's not their turn?

1. The owner of the cards decides.

2. They can be used while defending, as long as the contest involves his/her own units/territories and not neutral ones.

3. Yes, as long as the contest involves his/her own units/emissaries/territories and not neutral ones.

Thanks for the fast reply.

Is there any reason for the first answer? I used the ring of set against Aquilonia who had both his diplomat character and a minor general in play & both needed refreshing. His argument was that since it doesn't specifically say on the card who gets to choose, he could just as well choose which one to get rid of.

The card says "force an opponent to discard" the card, indicating that the opponent is taking the action, so he/she should make the choice. If the player of the card were intended to make the choice, it would say "discard an opponent's card", indicating that the card player takes the action.