Proposed influence system

By professor_kylan, in Rogue Trader House Rules

Over the last few aeons (by the feel of things) I have been working on a revamp of the RT, DW and DH rules to tie everything together into a single unified system. I've recently been playing with rules for Profit Factor/Influence in a way that makes combining them into a single group a little easier.

The core idea is that each group has an Influence rating, which can be used for acquisitions and the like, and each player has a personal rating which can be spent to improve the groups overall Influence or modify influence rolls that character makes.

One of the aspects of the system that isn't immediately addressed in the following document is that Endeavours add to each players personal Favour (ie Profit Factor) rating, rather than the group Influence rating. Other than that, I hope it all makes sense!

I'd love to get some feed back, even if that's just you yelling "YOU SUCK!" at the screen a half dozen times then trying to find an online service that unleashes packs of wild dogs on people you don't like.

I'd love to get some feed back, even if that's just you yelling "YOU SUCK!" at the screen a half dozen times then trying to find an online service that unleashes packs of wild dogs on people you don't like.

I smell a business opportunity. This is a service which could make a fortune .

I like the idea. I've been playing for a while with everyone having their own 'profit' score, because it helps promote the feel of an alliance of influential individuals rather than 'the rogue trader and his hangers-on', which is a way the campaign can come unstuck.

Having a distinct score of 'my personal resources' also encourages creative thinking for how a player can...err...let's say succeed in ensuring profits are equitably distributed. One group's sensechal's default quote in any situation is "Minus Mah Yewsual Fifteen Puhcent Commisshun..." to the point that the other players refer to him as "Fifteen Percent" Rook by default and in the last session one of them admitted to having forgotten what the character's first name actually was.

I was only able to skim through but this was IMHO quite good. And like previous commenter said, It gives nice touch when everyone has his own "money bag" and not collective.

Thanks for the feedback guys! (Double thanks for making it positive :D )

Once I've got it a little neater, I'll post up the rest of my beta rules - see if any of you'd be happy to playtest them out, or just have a look over.