Comm Ranges?

By AK_Aramis, in General Discussion

Given that the one new ship add-on is a comm systems array...

What is the comm range to begin with? Does it start equal to Sensor Range plus some amount?

Either the add-on should go away, or comm ranges should be either defined or added on.

I would assume that you're correct and comms are intended to match sensors.

Not sure how I feel about this one, I get where they are coming from, but it doesn't make quite enough sense in play, doesn't match previous games (which I don't expect it to, but I'm just saying), or the films/cartoons (which I do expect it to, or at least come close).

Previous lore suggested "typical" subspace transceivers, could reach 25 light years. Comparing it to reality that would mean you could communicate with the next 3-5 systems over, which does seem to match the films close enough.

You could say that Jedi fighters like Obi-wan's were the exception and normal fighters didn't have that kind of range, but plenty of civilian ships would even just for simple safety reasons. So maybe it's really only intended for fighters?

But even then, making comms on fighter craft match sensors would mean a lot of fighters would be completely out of range of their carriers even during normal combat operations, which is kinda... dumb. Not to mention kill all the "random distress call" adventure hooks.

I don't know, I like the idea of being able to upgrade the comms of your ship, but if using range bands is the best they got, then we should try and help them come up with a better solution.

I would assume that you're correct and comms are intended to match sensors.

I hope not... unless there's a scale change.

I don't know, I like the idea of being able to upgrade the comms of your ship, but if using range bands is the best they got, then we should try and help them come up with a better solution.

I've been pondering this. We already have multiple scales

Current range bands in space...

  • Ship Close
    • Personal Engaged
    • Personal Short
    • Personal Medium
    • Personal Long
  • Ship Short
    • Personal Extreme
  • Ship Medium
  • Ship Long
  • Ship Extreme
  • ¿ System ?
  • ¿ Cluster ?
  • ¿ Region ?
  • ¿ Galaxy ?

That's OK, but it still is kinda funky.

I've been trying to come up with actual capibilities to add, like encryption, or triangulation, lower profile, maybe something that would give bonuses to slicing and spoofing attempts (I think this might be the best direction to go, hyper space marauder style).

I do think range could be a mod option too, but instead of using bands use light years or systems. The same source that gave typical range as 25 light years also says deep space exploration ships and high end command ships carry 100 light year range trancievers, so comm range mod +25 could be one of the mod options (slicing range would be separate probable link that sensors to keep players from slicing targets on the opposite slide of the galaxy...

Technically speaking they have unlimited range in space. There's just going to be a signal delay when you get far enough away.

You could say that Jedi fighters like Obi-wan's were the exception and normal fighters didn't have that kind of range, but plenty of civilian ships would even just for simple safety reasons. So maybe it's really only intended for fighters?

The fighters etc in the prequel movies used the Holonet. However once the Empire took over they took complete control over the holonet so it's not available for general communications anymore. You now need to stick to the subspace communications network which is a collection of smaller networks and can route messages all over. Unfortunately this means instant communications isn't possible outside a couple of systems (assuming same network) and the best is sending messages, voice mails etc that can take potentially weeks to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other depending on routing. Basically they move at the speed of plot.

Edited by Canterbury Tail

Technically speaking they have unlimited range in space. There's just going to be a signal delay when you get far enough away.

That's not true at all - when the signal strength drops to around background, it's no longer distinguishable from background. In some frequencies, that's a lot louder than others.

Ok, I double checked, and yes, on EotE Page 227 it says comms are equal in range to a ships sensors.

So that's lame...

I stick by my proposed solution earlier, and will expound on it as follows:

Suggested update to comms:

Comms (subspace transceivers) have a broadcast range of 25 lightyears (about 3-5 systems...if they are inhabited or not is another matter, and this is broadcast, so it's still possible to receive transmissions from farther out, you just won't be able to respond). This is the range a ship can transmit real time or near real time audio and video (Sil 4 and below sized vehicles typically only have audio, but the option is there).

High density transmissions, like holograms, death star plans, remote computer interfaces (slicing) requires clear powerful signals without the interference that occasionally comes with transmitting over long distances. So these activities ARE linked to ships sensor range (we can say that for this kind of data exchange the ship actually uses parts of the sensor package to aid the transmission and interface)

Upgraded comms array will work about like so:

Base mod: Add 2 BD to related Computer checks (outright upgrading seemed too much, but I'm open to the idea)

Mod options:

Increase Audio/Video broadcast range by 25 light years (x3)

Increase HD comms range band (0-2)*

Innate Talent Mod: Codebreaker (x1)

*I'd rather have this go with an Upgraded Sensors option... but it appears that's not something the designers had in mind, so I'll take this.

Whadda think? Am I even in the right system?

Edited by Ghostofman