Badass names for rebel fighter squadrons

By ErikB, in General Discussion

We used 'Crimson Phoenix' squadron, as we decided our campaign would be called 'From The Ashes'.

It's about a rebel cell recovering from the loss of it's best members and training recruits.

And I've decided the whole phoenix emblem refers to Alderaan rather than the crap about Unibrow Boy, because Monobrow Kid got butchered very early in our universe...

I assume you're referring to Starkiller?

I assume you're referring to Starkiller?

I don't call Phantom Menace 'Episode One', and I don't call Unibrow Boy anything else either :) Except sometimes 'Monobrow Kid'.

I can't quite put into words my burning hatred for the prequels and Force Unleashed. Ewoks, Jar-Jar, the Holiday Special... none of these things bother me in the slightest. But the aforementioned things send me into paroxysms of rage...

I getcha! But I'm still in the minority that likes the story behind the prequels... I just think that the writing and acting was far beneath what was provided for the classic trilogy.

I'd thought that the emblem actually preceded Yavin???

The Star Wars wookie has six pages of squadron names from Star Wars.

Some of those names have already been mentioned, but several were new to me.

I getcha! But I'm still in the minority that likes the story behind the prequels... I just think that the writing and acting was far beneath what was provided for the classic trilogy.

Oh, agreed; I use a lot of the content. You're likely correct in that it wasn't intrinsically poor, just poorly made and acted (a few roles aside).

One of my main goals in accepting the GMing duties for EoE and AoR was to totally rewrite the backstory using the same themes and situations, just with different characters.

I expanded the whole concept of Starkiller into the Imperial Emergents, for instance, and gave the Rising Phoenix symbol to Alderaan, because that's the turning point in our stories.

Incidentally there is a great scene in Pacific Rim that shows how to do this stuff:-

The PCs walk in to an enormous hangar bay filled with an army of scurrying technicians and pilots rushing to prepare fighters for battle.

They are following Idris Elba, who is playing a Mon-Calamari Alliance General.

"The situation is desperate, but many of our comrades have answered the call."

He gestures to a group of pilots in orange flight suits leant over a holotank.

"Nightmare Squadron, out of the Corva sector. Strike Specialists. Hit and Run. Their X-Wings are modified to run on 200 megoctane fuel. Very powerful. Very unstable."

The group passes a newly arrived B-Wing squadron using repulsorsleds to manoeuvre their fighters in to their bays. The squadrons techs move with tremendous discipline and precision.

"Penitent Squadron. Clone pilots. Original Fetts. Now they fly for us, and you will not find beings more dedicated to the cause."


Edited by ErikB

"Wardog Squadron over there... they promised to kill the thing, but when we asked them to come back alive while they were at it, they just clammed up and someone muttered, 'No promises'..."

Black X-Wings:-

"Vengeance Squadron. Formerly B Squadron of the Emperor's elite 222nd Attack Wing. Defected en mass after word got out Vader sterilised their homeworld."

A line of trucks carrying Concussion missiles rattles past headed for a cluster of heavily modified A-Wings.

"Raptor Squadron. Kal Thrace's boys - used to be pod racers on the galactic circuit. No discipline. Half of them don't speak basic but they are the most naturally talented jockeys I have ever seen."