NPC Creation Questions

By cns917, in WFRP Gamemasters

Have a couple of questions for creating NPCs.

1) Are NPCs created the same way as a PC? Do they get the same creation points, cards, money, etc? Is there any difference between how to create NPCs vs PCs?

2) If NPCs are created the same as PCs, how do I come up with there A/C/E values?

There are no rules for it. It would be best to create them the same way.

I have created a pregenerated character of every career. Most of them appear here and can be used as either PC or NPC's:

The remainder appear here:

and here:

I wish that I'd had these examples to work with when I was getting started :)

Anyways, when it comes to NPCs, I think the simpler the better. Skip all the theatrics about talents, specializaions, and diverse actions. Bump the characteristics and give them extra wound thresholds.

The A/C/E distribution should just be compared to a similar creature/npc form the core.


Thanks so much!

I just use the ones given and reskin or enhance them - e.g., the soldier needs a hero template or just a few more wounds and Trained in Ride, and Def-Soak reflecting plate armour to be a Knight etc. Every goblin spellcaster is Gobspite up or down or sideways a bit etc.

I just do whatever the hell I want. 20 wounds? Awesome. 6 strength? You bet. Weapon skill 3? OBVIOUSLY! And that's just the innkeeper.....

Sounds like they the offspring of that inkeeper is the Busker from The Enemy Within... :)

NPCs are the gamemasters tools to tell the story. Just give them whatever stats make sense to you. If he's an average guy, give him average stats, if he's a stupid brute, give him high strength and thoughness but low intelligence and so on. You players won't know the difference.

Edited by Ralzar

For my custom GM screen I've added a small chart of common NPCs that includes Characteristics, ACE budget, Wound Threshold and default Stance. This combined with a weapon/armor summary chart, and a list of NPC/Creature "Qualities" (i.e. Swarm, Flying, Forest Walker, etc) allows me to create NPCs and baddies on the fly without having to flip through a deck of NPC/Creature cards (which I save for pre-generated NPCs).