Hello all,
I post this question in the AoR forums with the hope of get a clarification by the designers.
Back in the beta days of EotE it was stated that vehicle crew (not passengers) could fire the weapons of a vehicle. Later, with the release of the core book, this passage was removed.
So, my question is who can fire the weapons of a vehicle? The crew, or anyone in the ship?
For example, the firespray has a crew of 1 pilot and 2 guards and a passenger capacity of 4. This starship has 2 weapons system, one autoblaster and one tractor beam. I assume the pilot has access from the cabin to any of the weapons systems and therefore he can fire any of the weapons as long as he has an action. But what about the guards? do they also have access to the weapons system? Can for example the pilot do a pilot action and the two guards, each, fire a different weapon system?
What if later the ship is upgraded with an extra weapon? say concussion missiles? Who has access to this new weapon system? everybody? only the pilot? And imagine that later on, yet a fourth weapon system is added, a medium laser cannon. Can the 4 weapons be fired in one round? Let's say 1 weapon system by the pilot, two weapon systems by the 2 guards and the fourth one by one of the passengers?
Edited by Yepesnopes