Stark Maege Mormont Deck

By xXxDaRkStAr, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

Hello guys, i just started using this forum, and i'd like some help with my Stark deck...

I wonder if anyone could share me any ideas for an affective Maege Mormont deck...

I whould really appreciate it if anyone could give me a decklist or something to get started with, and of course explain me how could i play this deck better :)

Much appreciated :D

a very interesting deck if able to pull off. you definitely need 3 copies of each in the deck. put in stark locations and use the deck as a tool box to get strategic stark locations, to help you get draws (harrenhal), improve your claim (winterfell), improve your defense (frozen outpost), improve the power claimed (winterfell practice yard) and improve your economy. etc. you can put 2 limited locations into play with maege mormont + rickkon stark.

will write more when i can find the chance to.

riders of red fork. die by the sword, no quarter are also good if you want to convert this to a stark murder deck