108 Point Game

By Willow, in Android

Just had an 108 game.

I'm playing Raymond, and the other players are Nisei, Beckham, and Floyd.

Floyd and I were racing to fill out the Conspiracy grid, and each got 3 tokens before the board was closed off. The center of the grid was all connected, so everything except Sad Endings, Street Favors, and Innocent Hunches were worth +2 points. Jinteki and Haas links were not on the board.

After this happened, I pretty much camped out Melange Mining, getting a Corp favor each turn, and mostly playing cards. After maxing out the Corp favors, I got moved down to the War Memorial, then sat on City Hall. I had seen Caprice's hand, so I knew that if I moved pretty much anywhere I could get hurt.

People were drawing just Raymond dark cards heavily the whole second half of the game. I spent most of my turn drawing to make sure I had enough positive baggage to stay ahead of things. Then I rotated a tile to make all those bonuses be +3.

Fortunately, the card that makes me lose all favors was drawn early, and I was careful to never have seven cards in hand.

And, at the end of the game, despite never playing any significant evidence, I got Obsession. How? Thomas Haas (Floyd's guilty hunch) was dead, and Eve (Beckham's Guilty Hunch, Floyd's Innocent) had a pile of evidence, high and low, that ended out totalling to just 5, whereas the evidence on the Strangler totaled to 12. (I think Floyd was playing positive evidence there after Haas was killed to make sure he was higher than Eve, becuase the competition on Eve was really stiff.)

Total score:

26 (Obession)

+12 (3 Conspiracy Links)

+48 (16 favors)

+6 (2 Kate Favors)

+17 (Happy Ending)

-1 (Trauma)

108 points.