Idea to make the AP system less necessary

By GauntZero, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

Hello guys,

What, if you just dio the following changes to the existing system:

> enable players to change half actions into reactions

> enable players to use the aim and called shot actions with a reaction during their own turns

This would bring more flexibility and would not need another system.

Edited by GauntZero

That's the most redundant thing I have read in these forums so far

First post you read ? ;D

Have to agree with frajaq's sentiment, to what purpose? Is the problem the AP system in and of itself or the way it's implemented? I'm struggling to see the point in this, even less then the throne AND aquisition system side by side.

This doesn't help with the one thing I think the AP system did right: Reducing complexity (by removing combat actions).

On the contrary, it adds complexity. It seems like you basically want 3 Half Actions per turn, removing the distinction between an Action and a Reaction. Which is basically what the AP system does.