Scoring and devoured investigators

By Aeaea, in Arkham Horror League

Looks like scenario 4 provides any number of means for investigators to get devoured (madness, injury, eventual constitution decay due to icy winds, etc.)
-- especially if the team is going for a high monster kill score.

I haven't played many games with devoured investigators in the past, but want to make sure I play/score them correctly... so I thought I'd check with the experts here. happy.gif

1) The number of devoured investigators doesn't hurt the team score (though the devourings must be reported).

2) Devoured investigators are replaced from the scenario's pool of investigators -- at random -- with the caveat that devoured investigators are not shuffled back into the investigator pool for selection during that game.

3) Gate and monster trophies collected by devoured investigators are inherited by their replacements, but all devoured investigator cards (items, skills, corruption, etc.) are lost.

Question: Are unspent clue tokens and money also inherited by the replacements of devoured investigators? I thought not, but after reviewing the rules, I can't seem to figure out what happens to them -- unless they are considered "cards."

we had this situation and only tropies i.e. monsters and gates carried across.

What makes this interesting is that one could play scenario 4 by using investigators as disposable resources. You bring them out to do a job (e.g., dump cash into early game) and then kill them off in the streets just after trading away their equipment.

This strategy of course seems completely against the spirit of the game (and maybe even breaks rule #1 -- to have fun). Normally it isn't so simple to get investigators devoured, so using this as a general game strategy wouldn't be practical. It's good that devoured investigators must be replaced at random (right?), because otherwise one could cycle through replacements from the pool of investigators to collect unique items, money, spells, etc. and place them into the hands of the most powerful investigators for late game creature management & scoring.

I would also assume that bank loans for devoured investigators are not forgiven and count against the score at the end (even though all the devoured investigator cards are discarded).

IMHO I've never understood why there isn't any scoring penalty for being devoured -- except perhaps during a final battle -- but even then, one could argue that the score should reflect it.

I agree on the scoring thing, there seems little detriment to being devoured.

Most of the time its harder to be devoured than in this scernario. I lnow I'm not randomly replacing my dead people. So Michael and Mark will be the Martyrs!

-1 for each unpaid/ default Bank Loan and the bank no care you don't pay cause your dead!

We've already had one investigator devoured. We played about 6 turns last night and have had 3 monster surges already. Wilson visited the Black Cavee and had a choice of gaining a corruption card and adding 2 to the terror level (or the other way around), or removing one token from the doom track and being devoured. He was fun to play while he lived...

Yeah there are a number of ways to get devoured in this scenario, but it seems easier, so far, than the last one.