Ok, so I think this talent needs a little tweaking. Sleight of mind gives you a boost dice to one skill, with restrictions.
It seems a bit underpowered, given that there already is a talent called Stalker which gives a boost dice to two separate skills (including the one in Sleight of Mind, and with no restrictions). Also, compare this to the similar Sense Emotions Talent from the FSEx. The Sense Emotions talent adds a Boost to three separate skills (with the same restriction).
Maybe as a tweak, you could upgrade your stealth checks instead of having a boost dice. But then you run into the issue of whether it should be ranked, which would make it uber powerful.
Alternatively, one could add a additional skills that would be improved by sleight of mind, such as Deception and/or Streetwise (as these might fit the flavor of the talent). This seems like the best option to me, and keeps it from being OP. It also jives with the mechanical spirit of the Sense Emotions Talent.
What are other people's thoughts on this talent?