Looking for players in Southwest Missouri!!!

By Tk2166, in X-Wing Organized Play

I live in Springfield and would love to find some people to play X-Wing with. Right now I've been playing with my roommate. The lack of wave 1 ship availability is making my local game store not want to run tournaments for it.

I live in springfield also and I just got into x-wing about a month ago. I would like to play casually with other people too in the area. Metagames doesn't hold regular tournaments so you were right about that. I have a decent collection so far. I mainly play imperial but I do play rebel every now and then. Just would be nice to play regularly with people from the area and have some fun. Hit me up on here if you are interested and we can set something up.

I am in Cape Girardeau MO looking to play some x-wing. I have enough models to play either rebel or imperial at 100 points . Hit me up if you want to game, even if you don't have any models and just want to learn how to play as well.

Bumping this old Post to see if any of y'all still play?!

A couple of us are gonna start playing on Saturday brunch around 10am at MetaGames.

Shoot me a message anytime!