Standard sleeve (Grey pack) with A:NR...

By SolennelBern, in Fantasy Flight Supply

Hey all, just bought lots of FFG standard card game sleeves (grey packs) from my FLGS and after sleeving 1 card here's the result. Tell me if it's a bad batch or the way they're designed cause I really don't like the extra length and width.


Edited by SolennelBern

That is exactly how the FFG sleeves are intended. I have used several dozen packs of their standard sleeves over the past year and every pack has literally been the exact same size. I applaud them for their consistency.

Their sleeves are roomy. It is the primary reason why I use them. The bit of extra length at the top prevents the card from poking out, or having the edge exposed. The extra space on the width prevents the sleeve from bowing.

If you want a tight fit, buy Ultra Pro clear sleeves. However, be warned that the edge of the card will be very close to the edge of the sleeve. I have tried them several times with the same result: cards slide out a bit after one play, exposing the edge.