PLAY BY POST: New to the game? Play a quick encounter

By Emirikol, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

"Seeing Klaus ready his bow and let fly at the goblin, Jan-Eric pulls his buckler close, raises his sword, and charges down the short hill at the gobo leader. Ready to visit some vengeance on the greenskins for their earlier carnage he hopes they will be able to break this group before they can rally together or call for reinforcements."

Stance: move one to reckless

Maneuvers: spend 1 fatigue to close from medium range and engage the goblin

Actions: basic melee attack vs the goblin

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 1 Reckless, 1 Challenge, 4 Misfortune

Result: 1 Success, 2 Banes, 1 Chaos Star, 1 Exertion (!)

Wow. Interesting roll. Maybe I should have added some fortune dice. I'll let you adjudicate the result. One question, how does one use the basic defense actions like block? Do I have to forgo an attack or is that a response action?

Great! You hit the goblin (1 success).

You suffer 1 fatigue for the 2 banes

You suffer an additional fatigue for the 1 exertion symbol

The Chaos star effect is: [GM rolling on a secret chart behind his GM screen...." You wade a little too deep into combat. Lose your free maneuver next turn. "]

Now, here's how you calculate damage:

Total Damage: Add the DR of the weapon (5) to your strength (3). You will do this amount any time you hit. You will do more with more successes and if you inflict a Critical wound (eagles = CR of the weapon).

MINUS Total Soak : Next, damage is reduced by the Total damage Soak of the goblin. It is equal to his armor soak plus his toughness: 1+3= (4 Total Soak)

EQUALS Damage Done: Here's how much damage go through to the flesh of the goblin: (4 points of damage done to the goblin)

"The goblin takes a watchman's sword through the shoulder and screams in pain! One group of snotlings soils the mushrooms beneath their feet and flee into the woods screaming "Daemons! Daemons! They're coming to eat us! Run away!"


Edited by Emirikol

As he watches Klaus and Jan-Eric prepare for battle, Eldred feels that he has little choice but to join the battle. With revenge on his mind, Eldred feels composed as he loads a bolt into his crossbow and takes aim at the clear leader of the greenskin bunch.

1. Eldred adjusts his stance one to the left to become conservative.

2. Eldred readies his crossbow by pulling the crossbow lever and loading a new bolt.

3. Eldred uses the ranged shot attack along with his “favored by fate” race ability (+ two fortune dice) to attack the goblin.

4. Eldred Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 2 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 4 Misfortune Result: 1 Challenge, 1 Bane

Edited by Desalus

Damnable darkness! You missed!

Edited by Emirikol

While we wait on Klaus the Scout, I'll have the greenskins retaliate:

Snotling henchmen group #1 sits in total confusion, awaiting their commanders whip. One picks his nose with another snotling's finger and the third one fights the first for rights to eat the boogar. A wrestling match ensues.

The second group of snotling henchmen decides to attack you. They cannot see well in the gloom.

* 1blue, 1 green 1 purple 3 black for the darkness 2 black for defense, 2 white for the 2nd and 3rd members of the group.

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 2 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 5 Misfortune Result: 1 Challenge, 1 Bane, 1 Chaos Star

Effect: Not only do they miss you entirely, the chaos star means one snotling in this group grows avarice towards the first group's rough-housing and leaves to fight with Henchmen group #1

The Goblin directs the squig to attack you with a command that sounds like "sikka sikka sikka". It bounces out of his

master's hand and tries to latch onto your leg with the Chompity, chomp chomp! action (additional purple, yellow).

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 2 Reckless, 1 Expertise, 2 Challenge, 5 Misfortune Result: 4 Challenges, 1 Boon

EFFECT: He misses, and tears into a patch of mushrooms under your feet like a lawnmower.

Alright, back to you all. Klaus, Eldred, Jan-Eric.

WFRP combat feels dangerous and visceral. I'm nervous for poor Jan-Eric surrounded by all those snotlings.

Jan-Eric is equipped with a leather jack, a small shield, and a sword -- he's also got some torches in his rucksack. The town council wasn't rich or generous so no halberd, plate, or lamp for him.

Stance: Stay at one reckless

Maneuver: Nothing -- lost free maneuver (I'm currently at 3 fatigue)

Action: Basic melee vs the goblin -- I think I'm going to use one of my fortune point and add white die to the pool

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 1 Reckless, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 4 Misfortune

Result: 1 Challenge, 1 Boon

Unfortunately, looks like a miss. Another question, if we wanted to use something a defense action like "Assess the Situation" or "Guarded Position" do they also incur the 3 misfortune penalty for darkness?

Surrounded by snotlings and their goblin leader, Jan-Eric makes a wild swing at the goblin while shouting curses at the small gibbering creature chomping at his feat.

“**** greenskins, they won’t have the drop on us this time!” Klaus mutters as he unslings his bow, notching an arrow while as quietly as possible he positions himself behind a tree and takes careful aim at the nasty and obvious leader of this bunch. He concentrates, and sees Jan-Eric charge and swing at the goblin drawing blood. Praying that Sigmar will guide his arrow to target, he loose the arrow while just as the goblin begins to mutter something and an object flies out of its hand.

I also used a fortune point to add 1 white dice to my dice pool in addition to the other actions I related to you in gathering this dice pool.
Rolled: 3 Characteristic, 1 Reckless, 1 Expertise, 2 Fortune, 3 Challenge, 4 Misfortune
Result: 4 Successes, 3 Banes, 1 Chaos Star
I will also let you explain what the results mean, especially what they mean for having used bullseye.
For damage: 5 (longbow), + 3 strength, + 4 successes,- 4 soak for target = 8 total wounds ?
Edited by Greenspectre

Jan-Eric: Unfortunately, looks like a miss. Another question, if we wanted to use something a defense action like "Assess the Situation" or "Guarded Position" do they also incur the 3 misfortune penalty for darkness?

* Assess the situation means you'd have to observe your surroundings, so I'd say yes. As for Guarded Position, it would only be a penalty if your opponent could see and you couldn't. Jan Eric is going to be in a lot of trouble this round when the greenskins retaliate (especially since you're outnumbered).

Klaus: Result: 4 Successes, 3 Banes, 1 Chaos Star
I will also let you explain what the results mean, especially what they mean for having used bullseye.For damage: 5 (longbow), + 3 strength, + 4 successes,- 4 soak for target = 8 total wounds ?

NOTE: For ranged weapons, you use your AGILITY for bonus damage instead of strength. So in your case it should be 9 damage instead of 8. You don't count successes for bonus damage (unless you house rule that for your group). They just determine the effect. (See action description below).

EFFECT (Reference on how to translate your dice to the effects on a card):

  • First success: You hit for normal damage
  • Second Success: You hit for normal damage and draw 3 critical wounds, pick one to apply.
  • First bane: You give away your location
  • Second two banes: Suffer 1 fatigue.
  • The two extra successes are unused for purposes of this Action.
  • Card has a recharge of 2, so you cannot use it again until after next round and you can't attack a target that can see you. Until then, you can use a simple "Ranged Shot".

Here are the 3 criticals I drew for you. Which one would you like him to suffer? [guessing head shot :) ]

  • Minor nuisance: add black to agility ch3ecks severity 3
  • Short of breath: suffer 1 fatigue each time you sue an active defense severity 2
  • Head Shot - severe injury - suffer black to all intelligence cheks severity 4; permanency 13


The goblin had 6 left on his wound threshold. He suffered 5 from your arrow, plus an additional 4 for the critical hit. NICE SHOT! The goblin takes an arrow right between the eyes!

Here's what the Bullseye does:

RED Bullseye Recharge: 2 Difficulty: PP
Ballistic Skill (Ag) vs. Target Defence Bow equipped, target cannot see you
H You hit for normal damage
HH You hit for normal damage and draw 3 critical wounds. Choose 1 to apply to
the target and discard the others
S You give away your location
EE The target adds WW to Observation (Int) checks to locate you until this card

Edited by Emirikol


The two remaining (not boogar-wrestling) snotlings charge Klaus (suffering 1 fatigue, which translates to a wound for monsters).

Action: Melee strike

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 5 Misfortune
Result: 1 Delay

Effect: The two remaining snotlings get distracted at the fact that their commander goblin is taking a nap (with an arrow through his head).

The Squig attacks Jan-Eric (outnumbered)

Action: Melee strike

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 1 Expertise, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 5 Misfortune
Result: 2 Successes

Effect: The squig finally gets a hold of your leg and takes a big CHOMP! Take 8 wounds (minus your armor soak and toughness).

The other snotlings attack Jan-Eric

Action: Melee strike

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 2 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 5 Misfortune

Result: 2 Banes
Effect: they're hitting everything but you! Snotling suffers a wound.

Ok, you're up!

Edited by Emirikol

"Yearrgh!" Jan-Eric groans in pain. He kicks out at the nasty squig and brings his sword down in a wild arc.

Thanks, Klaus! Just in time. Jan-Eric has 3 fatigue and 2 wounds (8 - 4 tough - 2 soak).

Stance: +1 reckless

Maneuver: -

Action: Basic melee vs squig

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 1 Challenge, 4 Misfortune

Result: 3 Banes

Dang! So, if I'd wanted to use a maneuver to disengage after my melee would that bring me back to close range? Does one maneuver count for disengaging from multiple combatants?

Eldred, realizing how poor of a shot he is with the crossbow, throws it to the ground and hastily unslings his militia halberd and charges the two snotlings surrounding Klaus as quickly and quietly as he can manage. He attempts to spear the nearest snotling with the halberd's spike but...

Stance: +2 Conservative

Action: Melee Strike

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 2 Conservative, 1 Challenge, 3 Misfortune

Result: 1 Bane

Edited by Desalus

Dang! So, if I'd wanted to use a maneuver to disengage after my melee would that bring me back to close range? Does one maneuver count for disengaging from multiple combatants?

The cost is 2 maneuvers (means you suffer 1 fatigue). One to disengage and one to move from engaged to close range.

Engage or Disengage from an opponent. If a target is already

within close range of a character or engagement, the character

can perform a manoeuvre to engage that target. Once engaged

with one or more opponents, a character must perform a manoeuvre

to safely disengage. Characters do not need to perform

this manoeuvre to leave an engagement consisting only of

friendly characters or allies.

Make sure you always add in 1 purple (you would have missed anyways).

You'll notice that you guys are missing A LOT. The reason is those 3 extra black dice for the darkness. Normally your chance to hit will hover around 75-80% for most encounters. With the darkness, that plummets to 20-30%.

It's important for you as a GM to get an idea of the percentage chances of success so you have an idea of what to throw in for extra black or white dice. You'll notice that dice roller has a "calculate probabilities" at the bottom.

My next post (shortly) will be the monsters' turn again.

I had one challenge/purple die in it. Do I need two purple dice in my dice pool?

@Desalus: Oh yea, whoops. nevermind :)


Hungry Squig vs Jan-Eric

Action: Chompity Chomp Chomp

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 2 Expertise, 2 Fortune, 2 Challenge, 4 Misfortune
Result: 1 Success, 2 Boons, 1 Comet

Effect: 10 wounds plus ONE CRITICAL from the comet

Critical Effect drawn: MINOR TRAUMA (Severity 3): Add one black to Willpower checks

Snotlings Group #3 (THREE SNOTLINGS excited at the fact that they've not been harmed and they want scraps of Jan-Eric before the squig eats it all)

Action: Swarm 'Em!

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 4 Fortune, 2 Challenge, 4 Misfortune
Result: 1 Challenge, 1 Boon

Effect: They decided against getting between the squig and his meal! MISSED.

Snotlings Group #2 (TWO SNOTLINGS scrabbling over each other to get to Eldred as he smells like mom used to make)

Action: Swarm 'Em!

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 3 Fortune, 2 Challenge, 5 Misfortune
Result: 4 Challenges

Effect: They don't even get to you with that halberd being waived around

Snotlings Group #1 (FOUR snotlings done wrestling; one dropped the boogar, but knows where he can get more...FROM THE SCOUT!)

Action: Swarm 'Em!

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 4 Fortune, 2 Challenge, 5 Misfortune
Result: 1 Success, 1 Boon

Effect: HIT Klaus for 6 wounds! They make their numbers count. They hit you for normal damage, +1 damage for every three greenskins in the engagement (already calculated in).

You guys are up! The snotlings are motivated now that they don't have to give their share to their mean, old goblin taskmaster!

Edited by Emirikol

If any of you were skipped in the previous rounds, I'm going to let you take two turns this round.

It is becoming more light out. Now your darkness penalty is only 2 additional black dice.

I recommend everyone start using up their fortune points :)

MONSTER DEFENSE DICE (black misfortune dice)
Goblin: Defense 1 black
Snotling: zero defense
Small Squig: 1 defense


Edited by Emirikol

By my count these are the amounts of turns each of us have taken:

Jan-Eric - 3

Eldred - 2

Klaus - 1

Monsters - 3

Since this is now the forth turn, I'll make use of two turns to catch up.

After spearing nothing but air, Eldred furiously swings the halberd to keep the snotlings at bay. When he sees an opportunity to strike, he brings the axe of the halberd down...

Stance: +3 Conservative

Action: Melee Strike

Fortune points: 1

Rolled: 3 Conservative, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 2 Misfortune

Result: 1 Challenge, 1 Boon

...and the snotling jumps out of the way. Eldred is getting frustrated that he keeps on missing, and screams in fury as swings the halberd around for another attempt.

Stance: +3 Conservative

Action: Melee Strike

Fortune points: 1

Rolled: 3 Conservative, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 2 Misfortune

Result: 1 Boon

The snottling rolls out of the way and Eldred's attack misses again. Eldred is beginning to doubt his ability to hit anything in this dark. Terror begins to seize him as he sees Klaus and Jan-Eric bleeding from wounds they have suffered and he realizes this might be their final moments before they meet their end. Running away may be his only chance at surviving to live another day...

Edited by Desalus
For brevity's sake as I must leave here is what I do:

If I read correctly I took 6 wounds - 5 for my soak- leaving me with 1 wound suffered out of threshold of 15.

Keeping longbow in left hand (don't know if I can do this without penalty, so will add 1 challenge just in case it's not doable without penalty and if not don't know if this is the correct "penalty" dice to use), I take out longsword and " cut and run" at the snotling(s) and try to get some distance

Stance 2 reckless

Talent used : flanking manoever

Action used: cut and run (adds 1 misfortune)

dice pool: 1 characteristic, 2 reckless, 1 fortune, 2 challenge, 1 misfortune

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 1 Fortune, 2 Challenge, 1 Misfortune

Result : 3 Successes, 2 Banes, 1 Exertion

Damage : 3 stregth, + 5 sword, +1 for "Cut and run" = 9 wounds

You will have to adjudicate the results


Next "make up" turn :

Depending on results my plan is to move back away from the snotlings, hopefully enough distance to use longbow again using same stance and using "rapid fire" action against same target if still alive, or next target if dead. Since I won't be back tonight and if you need to go ahead an make my rolls for me.

Klaus: You hack and slay 3 of the 4 Snotlings and step back (disengaged, back to close range). The final one is severely injured as well (and scurries away). Nice work!

You do suffer 1 more fatigue from your exertion to get out of their grasp.

Your 2 banes add 1 to recharge "cut and run"

Henchmen rules: Tome of Adventure p.42. Henchmen are weak.

Klaus, you use your make up turn to swap to longbow, turn to the snotlings on Eldred and fire:

Maneuver: switch to longbow (dropped sword into the dirt)

Action: Ranged Shot against snotling group #1

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 1 Expertise, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 2 Misfortune
Result: 4 Successes, 1 Bane, 1 Chaos Star

Effect: +2 damage (total 12 points), but BOW STRING BREAKS

The snotlings scrambling onto Eldred suddenly get pierced by a single arrow, spraying green blood out the other side.

Eldred: Just not having any luck hitting yet, but you are safe for the moment.

Now, there is one group of snotlings left on Jan-Eric..and a Squig to deal with...

Edited by Emirikol

Jan-Eric stares in horror as the squig sink its bloody maw into his leg. He tries in vain to kick of the beast only to hear a sickening whine from the creature as it tries desperately to consume his appendage in one grotesque gulp. Shaken, he stares at the scene and realizes the battle is not going as well as he'd hope -- but it looks like help is on the way. Praying for good fortune he swings his sword at the beast.

I think it's time to use another fortune die -- this beastie isn't hurt yet. Jan-Eric has 3 fatigue and 6 wounds (including one critical).

Stance: backing down to only one reckless

Maneuver: none

Action: Basic melee vs squig

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 1 Reckless, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 3 Misfortune

Result: 1 Success, 1 Chaos Star

Whew! The extra fortune die pays off. Damage: 8 wounds

Jan-Eric manages to stab the squig in the head (where else). It shakes it off like a wet dog and in the process, your sword is wrenched from your hand and flung to just out of reach. The snotlings jump with glee at your ill-luck and resume their attack.

Jan-Eric's Chaos Star Effect: Squig has a total soak of 4. You did 4 points to the squig, but you are now disarmed of your sword. If you don't have a dagger, you'll be using your hands and hoping the bravery of your fellows holds. You can also strike with an improvised weapon.

The Squig comes at you again: (Squig has 8 WT remaining)

Maneuver: Bouncing and ripping at your leg's flesh

Action: Bounce 'n Chomp (Difficulty P, Y, Bk)

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 1 Expertise, 1 Fortune, 2 Challenge, 4 Misfortune
Result: 4 Successes, 1 Bane, 1 Comet, 1 Exertion

Effect: Squig bounces on top of target and bites down hard, hitting for +1 damage, +1 critical, target falls Prone. Comet effect: +3 damage, +1 critical. ...this is going to hurt...

Total wounds inflicted: 13

Critical #1: Gruesome Bruise (Severity 3): When you acquire this critical wound, suffer 1 stress. Add 1 black to Fellowship checks.

Critical #2: Exhausting Blow (severity 2): Whenever you suffer fatigue, suffer 1 additional fatigue.

The 3 remaining snotlings close in to finish you off:

Action: Drag Down

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 1 Conservative, 2 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 3 Misfortune
Result: 1 Success, 2 Boons

Effect Success: Target knocked prone, requiring a maneuver to stand back up and hit for -2 damage. 2 Boon: +1 damage. Jan-Eric is hit for 4 wounds (you always take 1 even if you soak all the damage)

Effects of being Prone in this circumstance: You require a maneuver to stand up or monsters get a free attack on you. Suffer a black die to all physical actions. Cannot dodge. You cannot currently parry as you have no weapon in hand. Did you have a shield? That will be your only savior now (unless the squig eats it).

You guys are up!



Edited by Emirikol

Klaus curses under his breath as the bowstring breaks, praying his arrow flys true. He grunts in satisfaction as his arrow pierces the snotling. With his bow useless for now, he drops it and reaches down for his longsword. Picking it up he then charges at the squig, roaring as he swings in hopes of getting its attention off Jan-Eric who is obviously in dire straits!

Stance: 2 reckless

Still using trait- flanking manoever

Action: melee strike

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 1 Challenge, 2 Misfortune -- 1 for squig, 1 for still a little dark as dawn approaches.

Rolled: 1 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 1 Challenge, 2 Misfortune

Result: 2 Successes, 2 Boons, 1 Exertion

( forgot to add my last fortune point, but oh well... next turn)

Damage: 5 sword, 3 strength, so at least damage don’t know what else…and the other effects from the roll…

Edited by Greenspectre

Eldred rushes to help Jan-Eric who is in dire need of help. He swings his halberd straight across the line of snotlings, trying to hit as many as possible.

Stance: +3 Conservative

Action: Melee Strike

Fortune points: 1 (0 remaining now)

Rolled: 3 Conservative, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 2 Misfortune

Result: 1 Success, 1 Bane

Finally Eldred connects his swing with the greenskins and deals 9 damage (6 halberd + 3 strength) . I'm not sure what the 1 bane does...

Edited by Desalus

Gahh! As his sword flies from his grip, Jan-Eric screams in pain and falls to the ground under the gnawing teeth and fell blows of the disgusting little creatures. He looks badly injured.

Trouble. So the squig hit Jan-Eric for another 7 wounds (13-6) which bring his total to 13, which is his Wound Threshold. Jan-Eric already has a critical and now adds two additional one. Jan-Eric does have a shield , however .... Next, the snotlings tear into him and bring him to the ground. He takes 1 additional wound. That exceeds his threshold and he falls unconscious. I believe I may need to convert one of the wounds to yet another critical?

Status: Unconscious. 4 stress 14 wounds (3 critical, maybe 4). Yikes, Jan-Eric' toughness is 4. I believe one more critical and poor Jan-Eric is worm-food!

Jan-Eric - You fall to the ground and just prior to unconsciousness, the last thing you see is two snotlings coming up to your inspect what is inside your nose...

Elred - Just as one of the snotlings gets his full hand up Jan-Eric's nose, looking for green, boogary gold, you manage to chop the two snotlings in half..leaving only the arm and fist stuck in the nose.

Klaus - You hit the Squig for 8 points, soaking 4. The squig gets a big cut above one of his numerous eyes as he feasts on the femoral artery of poor Jan-Eric, and turns angrily towards you!

GRRRRRR! The squig strikes back at KLAUS!

Action: Chompity chomp chomp! (reckless)

Rolled: 2 Characteristic, 2 Reckless, 2 Expertise, 1 Fortune, 2 Challenge, 4 Misfortune
Result: 2 Successes, 2 Banes

Effect: Klaus, the squig puts his toothy maw to good use and chomps you good! +1 damage, +1 critical. (10 TOTAL DAMAGE)

Bane effect: He get's poked in they eye and suffers a wound.

Critical drawn: Severed Finger (severe injury; severity 2); The squig gets a hold of the finger on your sword hand! You suffer 1 black to actions where the use of that finger is important. (Permanent if your total criticals, including this one reach 9, in which case you lose the finger).

SQUIG: 3 WT remaining; soak 4 Defense 1

Anybody want to finish off the squig? I dare you to try to pet him!

You guys are up!


Edited by Emirikol
Klaus has 6 wounds (15 threshold), 1 critical, 2 fatigue

Letting out a yell in pain as the squig firmly grasps his swordhand clamps down hard and ravenously shakes its head from side to side. It finally lets go, but almost taking off little finger. Grimacing in pain, Klaus swipes again at the squig desperate not to lose his grasp on his sword as his wound bleeds profusely.

Shift one stance to reckless: 3 reckless

Still using trait- flanking manoever

Action: Melee attack

Use last point of fortune

Rolled: 3 Reckless, 1 Fortune, 1 Challenge, 2 Misfortune

Result: 1 Success, 1 Chaos Star, 1 Exertion

Damage: 5 sword, 3 strength = 8 damage