Ascension Conversion Idea

By Targetlock, in Only War Game Masters

Not too sure if this is where this should go, but:

I am a really big fan of the only war combat system and the way specialties work and i had a cunning plan :) i am considering doing a conversion of Dark Heresy: Ascension through to Only war. with the ascended careers as Only War specialties, fine tuning and making them more balanced especially with the improved balances to certain abilities. I've been wanting to get back to GM'ing

My conversion plan includes a modified character creation like below:

1. Home world: obvious character chooses origin.

2. Past Career: the career of the character before they ascended. basically a skill, talent and trait package. probably a fair decent package of choices reflecting the starting level of the character.

3. Ascended Specialty: the new ascended career specialties from crusader through to interrogator, will include starting gear and unique talents and traits.

There will also be background packages and other dark heresy fun. what do you GM's think of this idea? any suggestions, comments or improvements welcome, and will happily publish work if interested when it is written.

No comments? :(

I think most people flee the second they see "Dark Heresy: Ascension". It's by far the most broken book they've released for any of their 40k lines as far as I'm aware.

There have been a few conversions already, I bet if you look them up you'll get some tips on how to do it.

It might make ascension playable and hopefully balance CERTAIN people.

Yeah, I like the book, and the fluff Ascension is, but the stuff is a bit silly/broken at times. If you ever see me mention it elsewhere, you'll note I add a "ducking thrown chair", or something, out of the rage some people spew at the mention of the word Ascension.

They can talk forever about how the Inquisitor is broken, the Primaris is BROKEN!!!, and the Vindicare is UNTOUCHABLE!!!, even though the Culexis Assassin usually fills that roll (sry for the pun). Some of the irritation stems from the fact that the writers just picked their classes from the Daemonhunters Codex, and said "if an Inquisitor has the option, we give it a class", whether the Crusader sounds fun to play, or not, the Storm Trooper is sort of crap, or the Vindicare had no business being a character in there (such a team player, those Officio Assassinorum Operatives). It was a cool idea, but you can sign the death warrant for worlds, and force most others to do your will, and that can go to a party's head. If you can make it work, all power to you, and it could be fun.