Selling Some LCG / X-Wing Promos / Prizes

By bergs206, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Hello, I am looking to get rid of some of the following stuff:

Playmats (50$ each):

1x Battle of Hoth SWTOR LCG Playmat

1x Darth Vader Regional SWTOR LCG Playmat

2x Tywin World AGOT LCG Playmat

2x The Hound Regional AGOT LCG Playmat

House Cards:

1x DoIAF 2010 House Cards - 50$

2x 2013 Regional House Card Sets - 30$ Each

3x Greyjoy Resin Housecard - 50$ Each

2x Greyjoy Stone Housecard - 50$ Each

1x Martell Crystal Housecard - 100$

Random Promo Cards:

1x Full Bleed Dany - 40$

2x Full Bleed Valar - 20$ Each

2x Aurabesh Luke - 20$ Each

1x Aurabesh Vader - 20$

17x Aurabesh Vader's Tie - 5$ Each

4x Aurabesh Red V - 5$ Each

2x Battle For Westeros Promo Cards (doiaf 2010) - 20$ Each

Random Promo Tokens:

1x 15 Baratheon Power Tokens - 30$

1x 15 Lannister Power Tokens - 30$

1x 15 Stark Power Tokens - 30$

1x 21 Wooden Martell Power Tokens - 100$

2x Regional Focus Token Sets - X-Wing - 20$ each

Shoot me a PM if you are interested, photos of everything will be made available upon request.

Thank you,
David B

PM sent!

^Me too!

PM posted

Are you still selling this? I pm'ed you more than a week ago, and haven't heard back :(

Are you still selling this? I pm'ed you more than a week ago, and haven't heard back :(

He just read my PM 2 days ago, so it's possible his visits are rare. I hope he's still selling too :)

Has anyone heard back from the OP? :(


No word from him, and he hasn't even read my PM. That's a little sad, as I would have really liked some of that stuff.