movement concept

By gemflex, in WFRP Rules Questions

hello all,

im awaiting my core set to arrive next friday, i was just wondering out of curiosity how during combat situation the movement is resolved as from what i can gather i cannot see any battle maps to play the situation out on? is it left to the gm's discretion?

It plays the same as Star Wars:Edge of the Empire or 13th Age. You're either engaged-melee with an enemy or not. There is no 5'step-dance or flanking because you're always assumed to be trying to maximize your position.

It will take you a turn or two to realize that you've been trained on a battlemat and your thinking will have to expand. Our first encounter in Day late, Shilling Short was that all of the players kept asking me what they had to do to run around the other side of the carriage, or climb up on the carriage and what kind of bonus they got. 'Holy snit Batman, this aint' D&D where you try to maximize every stinking +1,' is what you tell yourself.

Narrative movement is more like this:

Player: "I want to go over there."

GM: "Ok, you're over there."

Player: "Don't I need to know how many feet/squares/hexes that is?"

GM: "Nope. You're over there. What do you do?"

Player: "Uh, I don't know. I just thought maybe that I'd have to be counting like the Count from Sesame Street or doing Dancing with the Stars to get there."

GM: "Nope. You're over there. What do you do?"

Now, of course there are ranges:

Engaged (in melee or close enough to shake hands), close, medium, long, and extreme. These things kind of matter for how far you can shoot, or how many rounds it might take you to get from one place to the next.

Last thing: this game has three NEW elements that you will probably not be familiar with :

  • Fatigue - like a countdown to exhaustion
  • Stress - like a countdown to mentally passing out
  • Stance - a range of how cautious (conservative) or reckless you are. This allows you to exchange plain old blue characteristic dice for more advantageous STANCE DICE..but there are drawbacks

Each round you can do ONE MANEUVER and ONE ACTION. To do extra maneuvers, you suffer Fatigue.

You cannot do an extra action.

Check these out for colorful illustrations: (these are the designer diaries that don't appear in a simple news search)



thanks for clearing that up for me, i understand now and seems very straight forward.