Neutral Locations, Attachments, Characters, Plots and Agendas - Lot for sell
Note: I only sell whole set so please don't ask me for singles.
Almost all neutral or multihouse Locations, Characters, Attachments , Plots and Agendas from all LCG Sets except last one: A Song of the Sea
Ideal if you play 1-2 houses to have everything else without spending fortune for all expansions and chapter packs.
If you take everything 20 % bonus, 4 big sets - 15 %, 3 big sets 10%
Send your offer to andrzej[at]
############ Set 1 ############
Type: Locations
Cards: 112
Price all cards: 50 euro
Price 1set: 30 euro for 1 copy of each card (1set)
############ Set 1 ############
6 Twilight Market
3 Ocean Road
3 The Roseroad
3 The Searoad
6 Bay of Ice
3 The Isle of Ravens
3 The Land Beyond the Wall
3 The Gift
Shivering Sea
2 River Row
1 Street of Steel
1 Shadowblack Lane
2 Flea Bottom
1 Street of Sisters
1 Street of Silk
3 Isle of Faces
3 Frostfang Peaks
2 Hollow Hill
2 Vale Rookery
The Shadow Tower
3 Pentos
4 Myr
3 Braavos
3 Norvos
3 Volantis
4 Tyrosh
3 Kingdom of Shadows
3 The Inn of the Kneeling Man
2 The Tower of Joy
2 Heart of the Kongdom
3 The Citadel of Oldtown
Castle Black
3 Kingsroad Fiefdom
Craster's Keep
2 King's Pavillion
2 Den of the Wolf
3 Crossroads
3 High Ground
Beyond the Wall
3 Trainings Grounds
4 The Wall F114
4 King's Landing F99
2 The Red Keep
############ Set 2 ############
Type: Events
Cards: 214
Price all cards: 80 euro
Price 1set: 40 euro for 1 copy of each card (1set)
############ Set 2 ############
2 War of Five Kings
2 Battle of Ruby Ford
3 Battle of the Bay
3 Citadel Law
6 The Dragon's Tail
3 Dissension
2 Muster
3 Citadel Politics
3 Citadel Custom
3 Ill Tidings
3 Gossip and Lies
3 For Family and Honor
3 Beware of the Sphinx
2 Retreat and Regroup
3 Favorable Ground
3 Too Proud to Bow
3 Execution
3 The Archmaester's Wrath
3 Nightmares in the North
3 A Champion Arises
2 Westeroes Bleeds (1 CCG)
1 Nightmares
3 Spy in Their Midst
3 Missing Recruit
3 Beguiled Bodyguard
3 Flood Waters
6 The Feast of the Crows
3 Yoren's Task
3 We Light the Way
3 Old Intrigues
3 Called by the Citadel
3 Desperate Tactics
2 Questioned Claim
9 Confession (7 CCG)
2 Distinct Mastery
2 Summer Reserves
2 Winter Reserves
3 At the Point of a Blade
3 Fights No Sword Can Win
3 The Raven's Message
2 Die for Your King!
2 Lie for Your King!
3 Kill for Your King!
2 Starve for Your King!
6 Wars Are Won with Quills
6 When I Woke...
6 By the Light of the Sun
3 Whispers from the Hill
3 Cannot br Bribed, Cannot be Bought
3 Little and Less
5 Parting Blow
3 Over the Wall
3 The Sword in the Darkness
6 Make an Example
6 The Hand's Judgement
3 The Price of War
3 Die by the Sword
11 Seductive Promise (8 CCG)
2 Paper Shield (1 CCG)
4 Condemned by the Council
2 Retreat
3 Superior Claim
Shadow Politics
3 Narrow Escape
2 Support of the Kingdom
############ Set 3 ############
Type: Attachments
Cards: 123
Price all cards: 50 euro
Price 1set: 25 euro for 1 copy of each card (1set)
############ Set 3 ############
3 Bowl of Brown
6 The Art of Diplomacy
3 Knighted
3 Apprentice Collar
2 Brass Link
3 Seal of the Crown
3 Heavy Taxes
4 Bodyguard (1 CCG)
5 Rusted Sword
6 Milk of the Poppy (3 CCG)
3 Flamming Sword
3 Champion's Favour
6 Court Advisor
3 Tourney Lance
2 Longclaw
3 Climbing Spikes
2 Black Iron Link
2 Iron Link
3 Pale Steel Link
3 Steel Link
3 Bronze Link
3 Copper Link
3 Tin Link
3 First Ranger
3 Climbing Spikes
3 Black Raven
3 White Raven
2 Bastard
Demon's Dance
3 Condemned
6 A Pinch of Powder
3 Lead Link
3 Gold Link
3 Valyrian Steel Link
3 Wildling Mead
2 Dawn
2 War Horn
6 Formal Petition
############ Set 4 ############
Type: Characters
Cards: 276
Price all cards: 100 euro
Price 1set: 40 euro for 1 copy of each card (1set)
############ Set 4 ############
3 Vale Refugee
2 Gilly
Valder Frey
6 Carrion Bird
3 Lost Ranger
3 Ranger of the Watch
3 Old Bear's Crow
3 Oldtown Scholar
3 Oldtown Raven
3 Free Man
3 Fanatical Follower
3 Hedge Knight
6 Kingsguard Squire
2 Samwell Tarly
3 Shadowcat
3 Jack of All Trades
3 Profilfic Statesman
3 Orphaned Recruit
4 Varamyr Sixskins
3 Crow Killers
3 Initiate ot the Citadel
6 Steward of the Watch
3 Recruiter for the Watch
3 Builder of the Watch
3 Silent Sisters
3 Maester Aemon
3 Satin
3 Val
4 Syrio Forel
2 Craster
2 Herald of the King
2 Ghost of High Heart
Ser Meryn Trant
Lem Lemoncloak
Septon Cellador
6 Rattleshirt's Raiders
3 Wildling Wisewoman
6 Former Champion
4 Ser Preston Greenfield F58
3 Ser Preston Greenfield F41
3 Faceless Man
4 The Hound
3 Ser Osmund Kettleblack
3 The Mad Huntsman
6 Advisor to the Crown (3 CCG)
3 Thoros of Myr
6 Denys Mallister
3 Oldtown Advisor
3 Mammoth Riders
3 Skinchanger
4 Mance Rayder F116
3 Shadow Tower Knight
3 Traitorous Crow
3 Bringers of Law
2 Overzealous Scout
3 The Mad Mouse
3 Rorge
3 Pyromancer's Apprentice
2 Qhorin Halfhand
2 Jon Snow S136
2 Ghost S137
Mance Rayder F33
Orell the Eagle
Anguy the Archer
Tom Sevenstrings
Varys L142
2 Varys F97
Knight of Flowers B147
Dolorous Edd
Lady Stoneheart
3 Thoros of Myr F36
3 Jalabhar Xho F57
3 Magister Illyrio T152
3 Beric Dondarrion
4 Jon Arryn
3 Ser Mandon Moore
3 Men With No King
3 Jaqen H'ghar F35
3 Jaqen H'ghar F43
6 Mag the Mighty
3 Leyton Hightower
3 Lyanna Stark
3 Archmaester Ebrose
3 Coldhands
2 Archmaester Marwyn
Ser Arthur Dayne
Ser Gerold Hightower
Ser Barristan Selmy B146
3 The Conclave
4 Old Bear Mormont
Littlefinger L141
3 Mance's Men
3 The Wildling Horde
6 Defenders of the North
############ Set 5 ############
Type: Agendas
Cards: 25
Price all cards: 15 euro
############ Set 5 ############
2 Knights of the Hollow Hill
2 Blood of the First Men
The Free Folk
The Last Giants
2 The Stewards
The Builders
The Rangers
3 House of Dreams
Kings od Summer
Kings of Winter
City of Shadow
2 The White Book
Knights of the Realm
Treaty with the South
The Maester's Path
The Brotherhood Without Banners
Neutral Faction
Heir to the Iron Throne
############ Set 6 ############
Type: Plots
Cards: 250
Price all cards: 120 euro
Price 1set: 60 for 1 copy of each card (1set)
############ Set 6 ############
3 The Pale Mare
2 Blockade
2 Feast or Famine
3 Under the Bridge of Dream
2 City of Spiders
2 Manning the City Walls
3 On Dagger Lake
2 Herding the Masses
2 Waste Their Time
2 Regroup
2 Mutual Enemies
2 The Grand Melee
2 Fear of Winter
3 Men of Honor
4 Threat from the North
3 Pulled from the Rhoyne
2 Dry Season
3 Above the Sorrows
2 Storm of Swords
2 Called to Court
2 War of Attrition
Shadows and Spiders
2 Valar Dohaeris
2 Planning Ahead
2 Snowed Under
3 To the Spears!
2 City of Soldiers
3 Shores of Ny Sar
3 Let My Porridge Fly
2 Mutual Blackmail
2 At the Gates
3 City of Sin
2 The Power of Arms
The Winds of Winter
2 The Art of Seduction
2 Marched to the Wall
Counting Favors
The Tides of War
2 Fleeing to the Wall
3 The Songs of Bael the Bard
2 Mutual Cause
Siege of Riverrun (CCG)
2 Forging the Chain
2 Holding the Trident
2 Drunken Allegations
2 Wildfire Assault
3 Lead by Example
2 Forgotten Plans
3 At the Palace of Sorrow
2 Breaking and Entering
Game of Thrones (CCG)
An Empty Throne (CCG)
The Breaking of Oaths (CCG)
After the Mummer's Ford (CCG)
2 Power and Wealth
2 Assult on King's Landing
2 Relentless Persecution
2 Many Powers Long Asleep
3 I Fight to Win
2 City of Lies
2 Tourney for the Hand
2 Stoic Resolve
3 The Power of Faith (1 CCG)
2 Schemes of the Scholar
3 Frey Hospitality
3 Men of Duty
2 Good for the Gender
2 Uneasy Truce
2 Outwit
2 Spending the Winter Stores
2 The Promise of Victory (1 CCG)
2 Men of Pride
3 Fortified Position (1 CCG)
Building Season
The Raven's Song
2 A Time For Raven
2 At The Wall
2 Calm Before the Storm
3 Before the Black Walls
2 The Prince That Was Promised
2 Noose and Swordpoint
2 Desolate Passage
2 Summoning Season
2 Calm Over Westeros
2 Loyalty Money Can Buy
2 Mad King's Legacy
2 City of Spies
3 Battle of Oxcross
2 Into the Lists
3 Alliance
2 The Power of Blood (1 CCG)
3 The Red Wedding
Stay of Execution
Rule by Decree
2 Focused Offense
3 You Swore an Oath
2 Unconventional Warfare
3 City of Secrets
3 A City Besieged
Winter Festival
2 Search and Detain
2 Rains of Autumn
4 Attack From the Sea
2 Threat From The East
2 Retaliation!
2 Burning Bridges (1 CCG)
2 Master the Realm!
2 Condemned by the Realm
3 Twist of Fate
2 Fury of the Dragon
2 Fury of the Sun
3 Take Them by Surprise (1 CCG)
3 Across the Summer Sea
2 Lineage and Legacy
2 The King's Law
The First Snow of Winter
Valar Morghulis