CC:Ancients players who have BoW - your attention please!

By Glabro, in Battles of Westeros

I was wondering if there are elements in BoW that would work well in the historical battles of CC:A - flanking, differing unit morale / durability....

Over on BGG the hostility on house rules is vehement, certain individuals feel it's their "duty" to defend the purity of the game and badmouth others, so let's hope the atmosphere here is more mature!

Absolutely, I think so, you "hit the nail on the head" with the clear choice, flanking. I also think you could come up with some way to use coordinated attacks...maybe elite mercenary units?...Warrior (blue rank) units that move 2 and attack, otherwise move 1. True Light Infantry that can "withdraw" but remain "active."

BoW is a much better game as far as the actual design and mechanics of tactical combat, C&C:A though does a better job with the terrain rules and the rationality of the different units, their abilities, and why they have those abilities.