What an impact !
Big news on the page and the forum is running wild.
The battlefield has definitely seen a lot of motion in the last 24h and is not going to be calm within the next time.
For some the news were shocking, for some they were a sign that the emperor on the golden throne was still alive, for some it was a power-fists punch in the face.
I count myself to the last group of powerfisted, yet I can very well understand the need to stay somehow in line with the other systems so far.
So what to do now, is the big question.
A total overhaul is not wanted - but an OW 1.1 Inquisitors Edition probably also won't do the job, as this would not be much more than stuff that already exists more or less for free...
My personal wish now would be to integrate some of the better ideas of the new approaches into existing mechanisms as smooth as possible, and scrap those concepts that dont really work.
So I would favour to try to integrate the AP system into the old rules (as said in another place, this can be done by exchanging half actions against 1 or 2 AP - there can be more exact balancing now; full actions would be 3-4, a reaction 1) and use the new wound tables instead of general wound hit point systems (this would also allow the new novice/elite/master approach to work as defined, with 2 wounds killing a mook or a crit wound killing an elite - quite a goood rule for smooth and cool playing).
Yeah, I know, the AP system yet is not as perfect as it could be - but thats what this beta can be used for. I really think it is the right step to more tactical combat, which allows to differentiate better between different kind of actions and strategies.
Afterwards: scrap the new RoF rules. I liked them somehow, but too many in this forums did not, so scrap them.
Keep the S/-/- style approach, but think about also integrating this approach into melee weapons to haver slower and faster ones.
Fatigue could be switched easily to the new approach and would be much better in my oppinion.
Letting the skills bundled as currently in the beta should not create too much problems.
Talent trees - scrap them and use the OW Tier system - much better.
Psyker power trees - scrap them - same as with talent trees - too restrictive.
Think about somehow using the new psyker system but scale the powers much better than currently.
A lot of the other stuff is minor and would not be a big deal to integrate or not integrtae in my eyes.
Only my 2,17$ on this issue, and the hope for a solution in between that does not ignore any of the 2 sides (traditionalists and progressive) totally.
Edited by GauntZero