40k is a pre-existing universe with a lot of assumptions and pre-set approaches that should work within a ruleset. The WH40kRP ruleset shouldn't be wholly adaptable; it exists to portray a pre-existing universe, and when people play WH40kRP, they do so because they want to RP in the WH40k universe.The entire purpose of the ruleset is to support this one objective. Roleplaying in 40k.
That's why things will never be truly "balanced", for example; nevermind that balancing the players against the world they play in is a meaningless objective - because it's not set in a fair universe. This is also why balancing other species' will be a lesson in futility and it is why people are reacting to the new, ridiculous rules for untouchables - it's not meant to be fair. There is no way that a human scrub could ever even compare to an ork or eldar with a similar level of life experience.
Furthermore, there's no inherent merit in doing so.
I may be a grognard. But you, cbs, you are That Guy.
I wholeheartedly reject the argument that any game should be unbalanced because of reasons. You're weakly equivocating balance with equality. Player characters should all be able to contribute to the game so that the game is fun for everyone. Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit is an unfun game.
What balance does not mean is that orks and eldar and humans are all the same - that would be equality, which I would never argue for (for reasons of it also being unfun). You can have a balanced game where some enemies are objectively better at killing than the player characters - this is balanced by rating their effectiveness against the assumed effectiveness of the player characters (which the beta at least attempted, 4E does very well, and 3E/PF does a crap job of).
I don't even know what "gameification" means because DH is already a game. Do you not think it is a game? Your whole first paragraph (or rather, sentence, as it's all one run-on) after your list makes very little sense to me.