few questions about upgrade cards and stuff

By dmuerto, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager


we had a game last night and came up with some questions:

1. can guard ability be used by a player against a tackler from another highlight?

2. if a player has the ability to tackle several times, can he only tackle a player that is in the same highlight?

2. are there any limit on staff/team upgrades that a manager can have in play?

3. in overall we didnĀ“t understand the usage of upgrades, WHEN can they be used, HOW many of them can I use in a turn, do all of them EXHAUST or are they just like passive abilities which work throughout the game? What is the DIFFERENCE between team and staffupgrades?

thanks in advance :)

1. no

2. yes

3. no

4. You can only use one upgrade that has "Matchup Phase:..." AFTER committing a play AND using all of his printed skills.

In case its not a response, then you can only use ONE upgrade per matchup phase.

Responses can be used when ever the response trigger, but each only onces per week.

Edited by Garthnait

Thanks! :)

How about end of game upgrades, which give for example two fans at the end of the game. Do they all happen at the end of the game or do I have to choose 1 of them?

And does "match up phase" mean that a manager commits 1 player to a highlight then use a match-up action (staff/teamupgrade) if he/she wants? Then a new match up phase begins in which an opposing manager commits 1 player etc. ?

End of Game Upgrades do all trigger at the end of the game.

A "match-up phase" means, you commit a player, use all (or some or none (Cheating is mandatory!)) of his skills, use 1 (or none) match-up action. Than the next player starts his/her match-up action.

Oksat, 1 more: if an upgrade says "scoreboaed phase" does it trigger every scoreboaed phase or must i exhaust and choose 1 of em?

Every scoreboard phase, so once a week and they trigger all together, nothing to choose.