Yellow Sign: prequels or sequels?

By durek_7, in Mansions of Madness

Our group is new to Mansions of Madness but avid Arkham Horror players and fan of the genre.

My wife bought MoM this Gen Con and I immediately picked up Yellow Signs , as I have been enamored with the King's Court for many years. I was however disappointed to only find a one off adventure for the price...

Our group did a Murder Mystery night a few years back all in costume and had great fun. I am organising the same for MoM but would like to make a day of it with The King on Yellow themed adventures.

Has anyone done prequels or sequels to Yellow Sign ?

Has anyone done any homebrew adventures; if so where can I find them or advice?

Thank you in advance :)

Edited by durek_7

Hmm... Certainly then, you've tried all three objectives?

Haven't done it yet, I understand the replay ability of it...just not in a row (at least for our group). Was hoping for 2 or 3 linked stories.