1 Creature, 1 thread

By mageith, in Fan Creations

I am wondering what the downside is of putting each Old One, investigator, item, or one idea on its own thread? Is bandwidth a problem? That way if someone develops a really nice example, the rest of us could help him/her perfect it. If one example is so out of line, its not worth saving, it will just eventually drop off the front page and become Lost in Time and Space.

Well, seeing as I created about half the threads, I might as well answer.

My thought was to have each type of idea set within its own thread. That way you don't clutter up the boards with a million threads, and it makes it easier to find what you are looking for; pretty much online filing.

A thread for Monsters, one for Heralds, one for Guardians, etc. That way you know what you can find where.

Yeah I really like it this way actually. When I first came here a month ago, I was able to check out all the custom stuff (listed by type) without having to go further than the first page, or doing a complex search, etc. It's pretty nice.

Though I certainly see why you'd want your own thread for stuff. Lately there's been a lot of activity in the custom threads, and new cards get buried one or two pages deep in about a day. That's hard if you're not online much. But having everyone make their own threads would really make it hard to keep up with everything because it would be a mess...