Season 3 League Kit

By imrahil327, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Looks pretty sweet! I am a little confused, however: The first two league kits to include alt art made the character the 'rare' and the plot the 'common'...but now we get a plot that you usually run two of and it's the rare and the character is common? Oh, FFG, you so silly.

Anyone have a higher quality image? I can barely make out anything on the cards.

It seems to be the melee naval version of Davos.

Looks like it's TGF Davos from the stats.

EDIT: Fristed by Danigral

Edited by imrahil327

I don't understand the term 'season' with these. What the fark season are they talking about? There doesn't seem to be any defined parameters or lengths. It should be 'version' 3 or something.

I don't understand the term 'season' with these. What the fark season are they talking about? There doesn't seem to be any defined parameters or lengths. It should be 'version' 3 or something.

I believe they said in the original announcement that each "season" is comprised of 4 months.

I could just be making that up though.

I think they said that each year of competitive play covers three "season": spring/regionals, summer/gencon, and fall/worlds

Our LGS could not get the Season 2 kits, due to lack of production. This advertisement is nice and all, but we still haven't seen season 2 kits, and likely will not.

It was a large disappointment to our local AGoT community.

Will there be enough production for the Season 3?

Weird. I know at least two stores in Austin that were able to get multiple copies of the Game Night Kits for Season 2. Tell your FLGS to ORDER NOW. Pre-order deadline is Sept 20th.

Oh on another note, I've been told that FFG bases a LOT on the number of pre-orders they get, but those who pre-order are the only ones who are pretty much guaranteed to get them.

Bad choices of cards, imho.

There are so many cards that would have been better choices. This is disappointing. But, it isn't as bad as the SW Game Night stuff...

Bad choices of cards, imho.

There are so many cards that would have been better choices. This is disappointing. But, it isn't as bad as the SW Game Night stuff...

Yeah, I'm not terribly excited by Davos and Drogo Playmat, but SW... isn't that awesome?!

We're running a SW tournament this weekend using the "Season 2" kit - the playmat, Luke and Vader's Tie look frikkkin amazing! :)

Our league is totally bummed bout not getting season 2 kits. None of us ever use the mats. i'm using mine right now as a giant mouse pad for my computer. We'd like to continue to see the practical prizes. You know way back when the winners of league play got to vote on future cards? Something similar would be really cool!

As someone who actually really likes the kits, thank you FFG!

... We'd like to continue to see the practical prizes. You know way back when the winners of league play got to vote on future cards? Something similar would be really cool!

Agreed. We did a bit of reseach when we set up our league and found the original OP material from FFG - voting for future cards etc. All that sort of stuff looks awesome and would be great to participate in.

I've always been envious of the AEG storyline prizes for L5R, but with the upcoming Netrunner tour, maybe FFG are slowly coming back round to this way of OP?

i'm using mine right now as a giant mouse pad for my computer.

This is what I'm doing with my playmat from worlds last year at my computer at work.

Has FFG ever given out or sold special AGoT gold or power tokens through events or game kits like these? Those are something I'd be interested in. I'd also be interested in rare deck boxes and card sleeves.

It's so weird with playmats. I always thought I'd never use mine, then I've started using it just to keep my cards from getting full of crud. I don't really care about using it to show off, but they're been really good for just keeping my cards cleaner. My meta-mates can tell you more if they show up. <.<

It's so weird with playmats. I always thought I'd never use mine, then I've started using it just to keep my cards from getting full of crud. I don't really care about using it to show off, but they're been really good for just keeping my cards cleaner. My meta-mates can tell you more if they show up. <.<

I concur, those white sleeves you use for your Stark deck look like they saw some heavy trench time in WWI ;)

It's so weird with playmats. I always thought I'd never use mine, then I've started using it just to keep my cards from getting full of crud. I don't really care about using it to show off, but they're been really good for just keeping my cards cleaner. My meta-mates can tell you more if they show up. <.<

I concur, those white sleeves you use for your Stark deck look like they saw some heavy trench time in WWI ;)

It's true. They are dirtier than a bums pocket.

How do I pre-order the kit if I'm not a retailer?

You can't. They only sell them to retailers, unfortunately.

How do I pre-order the kit if I'm not a retailer?

As doulos says, they're pretty much exclusive to retailers. However, if you have a friendly local gaming store that sells it, you may be able to convince them to procure a copy for your group. I think NYC has done that in the past and paid for the kit. Not 100% sure on that, though. Worth asking for sure if you know of a store.

We like the playmats because they tend to attract new players. Most of the time when people see a bunch of us playing a card game at a game store they would just walk by assuming it was MtG, but since we have playmats and deck boxes scattered all over the tables with AGoT logos on them we get a lot of questions and interest in the game.

Edit: playmats not playmate you stupid auto-correcting iPad! Although if FFG wants to send playmates with the kit I guess I'd be ok with that...

Edited by Skowza

I still will never understand why FFG doesn't just sell some playmats with some of the game/card art on them...

The special tournament-specific playmats are cool, and I have a bunch. But, it would be cool to be able to just buy playmats also.