Warhammer Invasion Tournament Saturday 14th Sep at GGs Miranda (Sydney)

By Honest, in Warhammer Invasion Organized Play

Hey Team,

Just making everyone in Sydney aware there is a tournament on this Saturday arvo at Good Games Miranda. Details below

Where: Good Games Miranda

Suite 7/ 591 Kingsway

Miranda, NSW 2228

(Up the stairs to the right of the arcade. Above games workshop)

(02) 9531 8112

When: Saturday 14th September, 12 noon

Format: Standard Constructed. Swiss rounds, best of 3 50 minute rounds

Entry: $10

Prizes: We're drafting a season 1 game night kit, so people down to 12th at least will win something! Plus a fun arvo of playing a fantastic LCG is up for grabs!

If you're interested in trying this cool game, drop in and see Ryan anytime. If you like it, people will have HEAPS of spare decks you can borrow on the day. COme along, you will have a great time playing a fine game with nice people!



Hey Team,

We had a fine time Saturday arvo, with 8 players turning up. After 4 rounds of bashing, the following results were posted

1st Michael (3 time Regional winner) 9pts dwarves

2nd Kieren (1 time Regional winner) 9pts Chaos

3rd Matty 9pts Dark Elves

4th Ryan 6pts CHaos

5th Paul 6pts (drop last round because his is under the whip) Empire

6th Yoda 3pts Dark Elves

7th Nathan (Nationals RUnner Up)3 pts Orcs

8th Brendan 3pts High Elves

It was awesome. The games were fun, played in good spirits and it was good to see all teams be represented. Next event is at the MOAB games convention October 7th, come and play, a 2013 Regionals Mug and Mat are up as prizes!

