Website for Gen Con results?

By khadorstrong, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Strategy

Is there a web site where I can look at the top decks from Gen Con?

I think TGO posted them in a few places. I know he posted them in the forums on cardgamedb, he might have posted them here and on toptiergaming as well.

Not that I have seen. I would be curious to know exactly all the Objective Sets people included in their decks but for the most part I have an idea of what Objective Sets were used thanks to the Gen Con Championship coverage done by the Team Covenant guys.


Thanks for the info dbmeboy!

Edited by GroggyGolem

I'll add in my decks just for fun (17th place):

DS (4-1):

S&V Affiliation

Feeding the Pit x2

Trandoshan Terror x2

Counsel of the Sith x2

The Emperor's Web x2

Fall of the Jedi x2

LS (3-2):

Jedi Affiliation

A Hero's Journey x2

The Secret of Yavin 4 x2

Questionable Contacts x2

Wookie Life Debt x2

Asteroid Sanctuary x2

Thank you! I love having links ...

Playtested the supposed nr. 1 DS deck; the one that uses 2x Defensive Protocol (030), and it seemed very fun to play, though it's a little restricted in its effectiveness. But it should not have much trouble against Han/Chewie-decks.

I love the objective of because it provides more reach for the burn in the deck, but aren't the supportive events a little restrictive? That's 4 support cards for 4 vehicles... The numbers just seem a little weird. But I guess it went 5-0 so it must be doing something right. The tie and ToF indeed seem good cards in the deck.

Edited by Marginal0

Playtested the supposed nr. 1 DS deck; the one that uses 2x Defensive Protocol (030), and it seemed very fun to play, though it's a little restricted in its effectiveness. But it should not have much trouble against Han/Chewie-decks.

I love the objective of because it provides more reach for the burn in the deck, but aren't the supportive events a little restrictive? That's 4 support cards for 4 vehicles... The numbers just seem a little weird. But I guess it went 5-0 so it must be doing something right. The tie and ToF indeed seem good cards in the deck.

I believe you hit the idea on the head; it is about targeted strike and the ToF. The objective itself is also nice against certain types of decks.