Doing this more for the entertainment value than any plans to use it, but has anyone come up with the states and/or load out of one of these beasts.
Going by the description ( and pic) in BFK I figure each quadrant to have 2 launch bays, 4 broadsides, and a "prow" weapon. this is from the whole "firepower to rival a cruiser in addition to launch bays blurb.
as for the bastion it looks to have 4 dorsal weapons on the top and bottom( total of 8) and I'm guessing a keel torpedo weapon top and bottom ( so total of two)
and 4 docking ports
I'm just trying to figure out what other components this thing should have, shields, hull points and such.
Also a guess as to just how many ships it will take to tackle this thing and not get scrapped in one turn.