Greetings all.
My players have just sold an STC to the Mechanicus (long story) and been incredibly well rewarded.
One of the things they have acquired are 5 monitor ships. I got these from battlefleet gothic where they are escort size, move slowly but have good armour and really good weapons.
Has anyone done up stats for monitor ships yet that they'd be willing to share.
On a similar note, they have now got Orbital defence platforms defending a world that they've "adopted". If anyone has stats for these i'd be interested in seeing them.
Finally, a rival mechanicus faction offered them a Ramilies class star fort. Silly naive me was under the impression that these were small space stations designed to guard strategic locations, i was going to change the wayfarer station in the main rule book to be a bit tougher and more shooty to reflect this. I re-read the battlefleet gothic rules though and discovered that the Ramilies starfort is basically a VAST and DEADLY installation, far, far more massive and deadly than the humble wayfarer station.
I plan to stat one up (even though my players don't have one yet) but again, any existing rules would be interesting to see.