ramilies star fort stats

By htsmithium, in Rogue Trader

Doing this more for the entertainment value than any plans to use it, but has anyone come up with the states and/or load out of one of these beasts.

Going by the description ( and pic) in BFK I figure each quadrant to have 2 launch bays, 4 broadsides, and a "prow" weapon. this is from the whole "firepower to rival a cruiser in addition to launch bays blurb.

as for the bastion it looks to have 4 dorsal weapons on the top and bottom( total of 8) and I'm guessing a keel torpedo weapon top and bottom ( so total of two)

and 4 docking ports

I'm just trying to figure out what other components this thing should have, shields, hull points and such.

Also a guess as to just how many ships it will take to tackle this thing and not get scrapped in one turn.



So, looking at that write-up for a Ramilles, which I find very cool, how would a Blackstone Fortress, or say :P an Awakened Blackstone Fortress :P fare up? I don't really want to try and find my BFG pdfs, and do a build attempt. Not in a Rogue Trader's possession, of course, but would a BS Fortress be buildable in the same rules style?