And this is why this multiple CRB thing is such a good idea!
Is it? It's a good idea for this set of gamers. I question whether it's a good idea from a business standpoint.
How many people will buy this book because it's all they need (and no others)?
How many people won't buy it because they can't afford the 60$ cost?
How many of those would have bought it if it were $40, but left out redundant rules?
I actually see this as regressive gaming. Remember the colored boxes for D&D? They aren't made anymore for a reason. We discovered AD&D and that with a few books could play our characters all the way to the end. If we wanted more we bought splat books.
Maybe I'm wrong. It depends on what the numbers say. I think that they are thinking that this is a repeat of the 40K stuff, when it's not.