I think what people are forgetting is that Jedi aren't supposed to be active and drawing attention. The whole you can't learn the lightsaber skill is to avoid power-gaming but you can learn/earn it at GM discretion as a custom skill and use either Brawn or Agility per the book so I'd say the rules are there. Look at the jedi in the adversaries section and the only advantages they have over their pc equivalent is their force rating and whether or not the GM allowed the learning of lightsaber by pcs, oh wait that's the npc that could even teach you. People are also forgetting that most jedi only have a few of the powers. The fact is if your GM wants there to be jedi you'll have jedi because the rules are there, they're just sort of hidden if you don't think about it. The point of not making it obvious is to stop players from forcing the GM who wants to avoid the power-gamers from playing a jedi by saying "It's in the book as a player class so I can" With what's in either of the first 2 books you can be a Jedi just not the super b@d@$$. I prefer my jedi like Corran Horn, relying on all other abilities first and only using the force when it's truly necessary.
I myself liked what they did and I'm going to purchase all of the books. There's also the fact that they seem intent on releasing packets of rules for specific classes so it may be possible to eventually just buy the rules you want and one core for whichever setting you prefer. The problem is they can't release it all at once and not in an order that would keep everyone happy. I myself wish different class packets were available but that doesn't mean they're making a mistake by doing it the way they are.
As for the people who say the 40k systems weren't compatible with each other; I played all of those systems with crossovers. The balance was handled by the xp pools as the later books stated what amount of it they had. The only non-compatible one was Black-Crusade because it actually changed most of the abilities.
I'm sorry if you don't agree with my views but like all things in life you can't make everyone happy.