New Lee Adama's OPG

By zyloemm, in Battlestar Galactica

Here's the situation:

Tom Zarek, the curent player,is a revealed cylon is on Caprica, trying to screw the humans. He play a Crisis Card that is President Chooses. President Lee can use his OPG "Choose a Different Path" to make the revealed cylon discard 5 cards?

Or is a Cylon Player imune to OPG's?

Not sure about specifics with Lee, but you might be thinking of:

Revealed Cylon players are unaffected by abilities on Crisis
Cards and skill checks. They cannot be sent to the “Brig” or
“Sickbay” locations, and cannot be forced to discard Skill Cards.

So, no, not immute to OPG.

(there are also rules for Supercrisis immunity)

In my book lee would use his OPG to change the effect to read "current player must discard 5 cards", cylon would then use revealed cylons perogative to ignore the discard. So net result would be "no effect"

Edited by JasX

JasX is correct

where's the revealed cylons perogative?

where's the revealed cylons perogative?

Base game rule book page 20

See section titled "Revealed Cylons and Crises"