Let's build some Tough Bounty Hunters

By strongarm85, in Game Masters

So the party I am GMing managed to really mess up the adventure "Debts to Pay" from the GM Screen.

The mining facility has been lost, and Bargos holds the PCs personally responsible for it's destruction.

Also the rebellious droids got away, but the PCs don't know that yet, and for that matter they don't know that the droids even exists.

They did however managed to break into the safe and get the money out, so Bargos has been paid his 100,000 Credits while the PCs made off with 65,000 and were paid an additional 10,000 by Bargos.

Bargos is most displeased and has placed sizable bounties on each of the PCs and bringing their total obligation over 115.

The bounties levied against the PCs amount to 20,000 credits, and the Hunters are free to keep any of the possession belonging to the PCs that they find. The idea for this thread is to build up a resource supply of NPC Bounty Hunters for myself and other GMs to pull from while creating adventures for other groups.

The object here is to be descriptive: Character names/Species, Backgrounds, maybe a prefered fighting style and build, and even unique ideas for how they do things.

NAME: Cockeye Quicksnout


BACKGROUND: Born with several genetic defects including poor vision for a Rodian and a misaligned neck which causes him to always have his head cockeyed, CQ for short has managed to earn the respect of his elders and moved from Rodia to begin a life of Bounty Hunting.

INFO: Due to his small size even for a Rodian, CQ is able to blend in well and appears very unassuming. He is very patient and always waits for just the right opportunity to strike, especially when marks become separated from their groups.

STYLE: Due to his poor eyesight past medium range band, CQ has adopted a very decisive and powerful attack for taking down marks quickly. He prefers to grab them on the shoulder from behind with his shock glove then hit them with an overcharged stun blast from his extensively modified heavy blaster pistol. This tactic has worked well for him and he has even begun working on improvised explosive stun devices in conjunction with hologram distractions to be able to take more than 1 mark out at a time.

GM Notes: Due to the modifications of his blaster, CQ should only be allowed to fire 3 times at most before his gun will malfunction. If CQ does not strike a decisive blow on his initital sneak attack, he will flee with the aid of engineered distractions (EMP, smoke, hologram, etc).

Suggested Stats: (Rival++...but not full Nemesis)


SKILLS: Brawl 3, Ranged (light) 3, Perception 3, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2, Cordination 2, Mech 2, Computers 2, Skullduggery 3

NAME: Cockeye Quicksnout


BACKGROUND: Born with several genetic defects including poor vision for a Rodian and a misaligned neck which causes him to always have his head cockeyed, CQ for short has managed to earn the respect of his elders and moved from Rodia to begin a life of Bounty Hunting.

INFO: Due to his small size even for a Rodian, CQ is able to blend in well and appears very unassuming. He is very patient and always waits for just the right opportunity to strike, especially when marks become separated from their groups.

STYLE: Due to his poor eyesight past medium range band, CQ has adopted a very decisive and powerful attack for taking down marks quickly. He prefers to grab them on the shoulder from behind with his shock glove then hit them with an overcharged stun blast from his extensively modified heavy blaster pistol. This tactic has worked well for him and he has even begun working on improvised explosive stun devices in conjunction with hologram distractions to be able to take more than 1 mark out at a time.

GM Notes: Due to the modifications of his blaster, CQ should only be allowed to fire 3 times at most before his gun will malfunction. If CQ does not strike a decisive blow on his initital sneak attack, he will flee with the aid of engineered distractions (EMP, smoke, hologram, etc).

Suggested Stats: (Rival++...but not full Nemesis)


SKILLS: Brawl 3, Ranged (light) 3, Perception 3, Stealth 3, Vigilance 2, Cordination 2, Mech 2, Computers 2, Skullduggery 3

Any specific stats for his weapon?

No time to come up with stats, but here are a few bounty hunters I've used:

LEONE: Xexto gunslinger who uses multiple guns... most of his encounters with the PCs started with him and his gang getting the drop on them, and he kept two guns on the PCs while using his other two hands to casually roll and light a cigarette. Cowboy hat, duster, and jet boots. As a gunslinger, he's confident but not cocky: if he can't outdraw someone and take them down quickly, he's very happy to jet-boot back, seek, cover, and snipe away. (I ran him in Saga, and he was partially designed to frustrate the Jedi PCs, so he was designed to stay out of melee).

SOLEM DAL'SAREM: :Leone's sometimes-partner, a Twi'lek assassin with sickly green-white skin who dressed in solid black. A master of stealth and multiple strikes with poisoned daggers. Man of very few words.

TONBO: Toydarian cyborg with a flutterpack replacing his wings and cybernetic eyes. He travelled with a pack of Rodian mooks on the Dragonfly, a ship fitted with a stealth generator. He was the son of a Toydarian crimelord (Uncle Rollo), who had spent too much time hanging out with the hired help. I'm not sure how to stat Tonbo in EotE, but in Saga, my PCs feared him. He was very hard to hit and was designed to disable viable the condition track, so he could take down pretty much anyone, regardless of HP, in two shots or less.

SMIJE PAPIT: Lannik martial artist and bounty hunter with a thing about his height (those wanting to annoy him mispronounced his name as "Smidge"). Typically dresses in robes to blend in (often mistaken for a Jawa). His signature opening move: two fists into the genitals.

I've got a dozen or so more. Maybe I'll post a few ideas when time permits.

Any specific stats for his weapon?

CQ Heavy Blaster Pistol ; 10 dmg, 3 crit, medium range, stun setting

Mods: Superior Weapon Customization: adds 1 advantage to every roll

Filed Front Sight: gives him innate quick draw talent, decreases difficulty to hide weapon by a setback die

Blaster Actuating Module: +3 dmg; increases difficulty of attacks made with weapon by Setback die.

Also give his shock gloves +1 advantage as well, as they'd be modified to superior quality. CQ is handy with tools due to his patience.

I would also rule that if PC's get this weapon they have 2 setback die worth of mechanics checks when trying to maintain it, so it will likely break if they use it. Also most gun shops arent going to buy modded up weapons like this, only shady characters & blackmarket. (gun could explode when used by whomever they sell it to, then that person comes looking for group!).

Edited by Diggles

A few favourites of mine I used previously (haven't statted in EotE. . .yet) that I can remember offhand:

--Soldavi Kheldar: Rumored to be an "Emperor's Hand," but no one is willing to say it out loud. Is a skilled enough combatant and assassin to make the rumors a possible truth. Prefers to use "lightsabers" to intimidate his foes in melee combat, but is equally skilled with ranged weaponry. Prefers to ambush his opponents on or near their own ship, utilizing their own ships lockdown and/or defenses against them.

The truth: This is actually a group of men posing as the same man to help instill fear and play on the reputation. They all utilize lightfoils from the Tapani sector, similar armor (I used a variant of Stormtrooper crossed with Mandalorian armor for this guy), and the same type of ship (a modified YT-2400). I planned on making the "real" one step up and actually make him everything the rumors say. . .and then some. Since they all look the same due to the armor, give or take a few centimeters, it's hard to tell what species he is.

--"Marcus": We never got his last name hammered out. This was a player that became a bounty hunter over the course of the campaign. He was a stormtrooper "washout" (still too much free will and fought against a superior officer before graduation). Tough with a stubborn streak, he prefers to take what other hunters have done and "improve" on them...often with explosive results.

His equipment varies from job to job; he prefers his modified scouttrooper armor, but isn't above using an "acquired" set of Mandalorian battle armor to bank in on a certain someone's reputation. Lately, he's been trying to design his own suit of powered armor to augment his capabilities, but hasn't finished working the bugs out. Weapon-wise, he prefers either killing at a range, utilizing a variety of explosive, or using one of his "trophies" (a weapon from a previous kill).

Due to his tendency to cause collateral damage, he isn't horribly popular unless a message needs to be delivered to any survivors.

Tasha Tualin: Tasha was sold off into slavery at a young age and was often utilized for dancing and similar. . ."services." She was "purchased" (as in acquired without paying) by a smuggler in her late teenage years and given a new lease on life. Playing up on this previous life, she was trained to excel in hand-to-hand combat in ways that accented her natural dancing skill. After paying her debt, she struck out on her own as a Bounty Hunter and Bodyguard.

She is often the first to infiltrate a location under the guise of a new dancer or some form of eye candy, gather the required information, assassinate or incapacitate the target(s) when applicable, and break out.Tasha has also worked in houses of ill repute or places that seek "exotic dancers" that she knows her target frequents in order to make her move.

When properly clothed, Tasha wears a simple jumpsuit, walks with a no-nonsense attitude that counters her natural grace and, when in combat, prefers using her hands or a whip (hidden as a belt). Tasha will often employ any underhanded tactic needed to land a bounty, ranging from poison hidden in a fake nail to having a bed rigged with wiring to stun (or torture) her target at a specific time.

I built this fun guy for a recent story: http://cl.ly/image/2t17413N2F3Y

It's built in Evernote but you get the idea.