Tome of Decay / Rot / Generally Not Looking Very Healthy

By 51powerski, in Black Crusade

Well, in the book (I think) it does mention that not all Nurglites are outwardly repulsive...

While in the real world Nurgle would be very popular, players as a general rule just don't tend to like playing characters that are physically repulsive.

(Not saying that Nurglites are the only ones that move in that direction, but more so than others.)

Nurglites don't move in the direction of the outwardly repugnant moreso than anyone else. Nurglites are covered in sores and has pus-filled boils on their foreheads about as often as the slaaneshi cultists stretch their skin over an orifice and tattoos it with dicks.

I mean, of course it happens. It may even happen frequently. But it's not really worse than any other. The only ones that may get away with upper-echelon cultistry and overt corruptive features not turning them into a living mockery of the human form is arguably khornites.

But even then, only arguably.

I dont have GW's sales numbers (and really who does?), but my observation has always been that Nurgle marines and daemons are seen on table top a close second to Khorne marines and daemons. Given that popularity, my thought was that they were saving the best for last. There are so many possibilities besides the obvious toughness buffs. Toxic weapons (covert and overt), plagues and other corrupting practices/sacrifices, tons of fluffy minions, Nurgle worlds to visit. The list could go on and on!

I dont have GW's sales numbers (and really who does?), but my observation has always been that Nurgle marines and daemons are seen on table top a close second to Khorne marines and daemons. Given that popularity, my thought was that they were saving the best for last. There are so many possibilities besides the obvious toughness buffs. Toxic weapons (covert and overt), plagues and other corrupting practices/sacrifices, tons of fluffy minions, Nurgle worlds to visit. The list could go on and on!

Nurgle worlds. I would love to see those. Teeming with life, bugs, creeps and sluggish predators, toxic air, poisonous soil, and practically everything lives forever, as lumbering plaguebearers walk throughout the boglike forests, and great unclean ones ferment in massive dens.

I imagine something of a mix between Kashyyk and Dagobah, with a metric ton spoonful of enchanted forest - and a pinch of smallpox.

While in the real world Nurgle would be very popular, players as a general rule just don't tend to like playing characters that are physically repulsive.

(Not saying that Nurglites are the only ones that move in that direction, but more so than others.)

Nurglites don't move in the direction of the outwardly repugnant moreso than anyone else. Nurglites are covered in sores and has pus-filled boils on their foreheads about as often as the slaaneshi cultists stretch their skin over an orifice and tattoos it with dicks.

I mean, of course it happens. It may even happen frequently. But it's not really worse than any other. The only ones that may get away with upper-echelon cultistry and overt corruptive features not turning them into a living mockery of the human form is arguably khornites.

But even then, only arguably.

Compare the Nurgle Gifts and Rewards and the others.

Compare the Nurgle Gifts and Rewards and the others.

Stop confusing mechanics with fluff. Even if the gifts of Nurgle would be more potentially physically repulsive than those of other Chaos gods in rule terms, it wouldn't change the truth of what I said, and the Tome of Paternal Love would be a great opportunity to represent that in mechanical terms, if the Core Rulebook previously failed to do so.

Edited by Fgdsfg

Compare the Nurgle Gifts and Rewards and the others.

Stop confusing mechanics with fluff. Even if the gifts of Nurgle would be more potentially physically repulsive than those of other Chaos gods in rule terms, it wouldn't change the truth of what I said, and the Tome of Paternal Love would be a great opportunity to represent that in mechanical terms, if the Core Rulebook previously failed to do so.

We're talking about playing the game Black Crusade as it actually exists, or at least I am.

Players in my experience typically prefer characters who are not stinking lumps of filth. :)

Edited by bogi_khaosa

Compare the Nurgle Gifts and Rewards and the others.

Stop confusing mechanics with fluff. Even if the gifts of Nurgle would be more potentially physically repulsive than those of other Chaos gods in rule terms, it wouldn't change the truth of what I said, and the Tome of Paternal Love would be a great opportunity to represent that in mechanical terms, if the Core Rulebook previously failed to do so.

We're talking about playing the game Black Crusade as it actually exists, or at least I am.

Players in my experience typically prefer characters who are not stinking lumps of filth. :)

In one of my games one player was Nurgle devotee (He used to play full nurgle army in TT when it was still possible) through and through.

His character was obese looking guy who has just finished his job in lime mine, pale as hell. Crooked black teeth stumps, cataract eyes, bad breath.

In other ways he looked like any normal human, no sores or lesions, no pus filled boils. Nothing to give away that he was disease ridden and corrupt, and boy he spread diseases when he wanted. And this was given without "appearance of normalcy" Gift/Reward of Chaos God.

PS. also he was a head doctor of Hive city's leader and they were shocked when Inquisition came knocking on their door looking this guy.

Edited by Routa-maa

"While there are many interesting facets of the other gods that tends to be ignored, which I find infuriating (Such as: Khorne and his focus on martial prowess and honour, rather than psychotic rage; Tzeentch as a god of hope, changing the fates of those that were handed bum cards in life, rather than just megalomaniac mutative wizardry; Slaanesh as a god of excess, perfection and expertise, rather than just blackjack, hookers and drugs)"

Agreed X 1000. Far too many people forget that the gods of chaos encompass the negative AND positive sides of their aspects...

"Nurglites don't move in the direction of the outwardly repugnant moreso than anyone else. Nurglites are covered in sores and has pus-filled boils on their foreheads about as often as the slaaneshi cultists stretch their skin over an orifice and tattoos it with dicks"


Edited by Quietus1

They should kickstarter this, then. I know the fans want it, but they don't want to put money out for a product that might not sell, so I think that's the best solution.

So what's the kickstarter, is that where fans invest money or where they do the work themselves?

Where fans invest money so game developers can make the product. But I think FFG doesn't need that in anyway, I hope.

I think people are just making a mountain out of a molehill, by crying that "The End is Nigh!" for WH40K RPG lines.

Edited by Routa-maa

Well, I still want to see the Nurgle book. Nurgle is everyone's favorite Chaos power (or so I think). We should keep this thread alive to petition FF to finally give us our book of Rot.

Bit dissapointed that nothing has been announced still.

Impatient? Maybe. But aren't all disciples of the dark gods wanting to take the fast road?

Can only think that the whole DH2 open beta outcry was a devious scheme of some Tzeentchian cultists.

Complain about the new direction. Force FFG to scramble the 40k team to rewrite DH2.

Result - no-one left to finish the Nurgle book.

Just as planned.

When I was at Gencon and talking with a couple of bigger names in FFG and I said that if I could have two more books for Black Crusade for me to be satisfied entirely it'd be a Book of Nurgle, and an Unaligned Book. I feel most of the worlds worth mentioning have been described enough, and those two tomes would finish up any lagging curiosity.

I said the same idea with Dark Heresy, that I'd like a Puritan's Book and a Sector Guide, but since the beta is out they're basically (if I recall a nice way to say completely) done with source books for that, and that all the worlds worth describing had been mentioned.

That's subject to me not remembering direct quotes so take that as you will.

I don't like the idea of doing a kickstarter for it but when it comes out I'll get both it and excess together.

And now we have...? Oh, another Star Wars adventure announced. Surely this product must be coming soon, right?

And now we have...? Oh, another Star Wars adventure announced. Surely this product must be coming soon, right?

Well, they never actually announced it. And Star Wars is certainly popular.

I wish FF was sure enough that the book would be a hit that they'd make it.

I think all 40k plans are up in the air with Star Wars around. Why make anything else? It prints money.

I hope they have spells/psyker powers. I was dissapointed when all they had was some new rituals in the tome of excess. If any book should not have had spells it would have been the tome of blood...... It would be nice if someone from FFG made some sort of response. Even if it's to say "The Dark Gods move in mysterious ways.... and only Nurgle knows when his book is coming.

I don't really think we need more psychic powers. There's already plenty in the core and ToF. We *could* use an expanded section on drugs and poisons, since drugs as-written are kind of confusing. Also vehicle rules, and possibly ship combat.

rogue trader rules for ship combat translate directly- no need please and thank you. Vehicle rules exist (kind of) in RT, DW and OW- default to OW as system closest to Black Crusade.

Drugs and poisons would be cool, as would, say... diseases.

I want the Tome of Decay/Pestilence/disease/whatever. In fact I bought Black Crusade after the Tomes of Fate, Blood and Excess were released in preparation for my favourite of the Chaos Powers.

I have a strong story and campaign plot with Nurgle as the main protagonist/antagonist ( depending on your point of view ). While I'll be able to start the campaign just using Black Crusade, it will come to a halt without the Nurgle themed Tome.

FFG, if you're reading, give us some plagues!

All the background for Nurgle and the Garden of Nurgle. Rules for poisons, toxins and diseases with lots of sample diseases to inspire plagues. Poisoned weapons and disease ridden rituals. Rules for the Nurgle daemons and both diseased and plague zombie minions.

Rules for roleplaying Nurgles Rot would be welcomed, since it usually ends with the character becoming a Plaguebearer.

Some archetypes could include: Death Guard and Heretek Biologis

Just hinting at what could be.

Just FYI...

Got this as a response to a request for an update from FFG:

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Thanks for your mailing! We love to hear from our customers and fans! While I can't announce whats in store for the line as a whole, I can say that Warhammer 40K RPGs have been an extremely successful game line for us (both physical and digital). We also are very committed to supporting all the games in our Warhammer 40K RPGs -- a line a lot of us hold dear.
Hope that helps!
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