Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing

I would be mad to try wouldn't I... Those Nacelles look so different.. and I would have to saw into the front to put in those intakes.


Doo itt! I have 0 intentions of modding the exterior to match it, but I am planning on lighting mine up purple and then painting it to match this scheme. But I'm sure you can just add a bit of plasticard here and a dab of green stuff there and viola! The Banshee comes to life!

Hmm the problem I see is it seems everything is slightly different... the back doesn't come out as two prongs on the Ketsu version either.

I would be mad to try wouldn't I... Those Nacelles look so different.. and I would have to saw into the front to put in those intakes.


Doo itt! I have 0 intentions of modding the exterior to match it, but I am planning on lighting mine up purple and then painting it to match this scheme. But I'm sure you can just add a bit of plasticard here and a dab of green stuff there and viola! The Banshee comes to life!

Hmm the problem I see is it seems everything is slightly different... the back doesn't come out as two prongs on the Ketsu version either.

I don't have my model in hand right now, but if I'm not mistaken, the Ketsu one has engines in between the two prongs. Sounds like you just need to cut them out to leave the two prongs........

Amazing! Love the lighting effects. Nice work.

I envy you your checkers...well, all of it really, but especially the checkers!! :blink: