Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing

Nope built them with plasticard.. there are instructions somewhere on this thread

Just incredible work!

I really wish we could Sticky this thread somehow so we'd never lose track of it! :D

Well I post often enough that it's normally lurking on the top pages.

I really like the asteroid base. What will the "flight" stand be made of?

The slot is the right size for a GW flight stand, as I'm sure we all either have tonnes of them around or can get hold of them.

Just finished the Republic comics... They were frickin' awesome.

They cover the period between the 1st movie all the way to after Order 66. But instead of focusing on Anakin (though he does appear) or just on the battles like the Clone Wars. They focus on the Jedi order, and how the Republic fell.

The end was really heart wrenching as it spent 80 odd issues introducing and giving depth to great Jedi characters, and then carries on their stories all the way through Order 66. I didn't cry honest, nor did I cry at the end of Toy Story 3.

also Villie is now my hero


also Villie is now my hero


Me too. He was so BA in one Star Wars Rebellion campaign that I gave him his own Lancer Frigate. He had force power and everything.

I was admiring your art, expecially the weathering you did on the tie fighter solar panels. Do you have a tutorial anywhere for that?


I was admiring your art, expecially the weathering you did on the tie fighter solar panels. Do you have a tutorial anywhere for that?


There's one earlier in this thread. Don't be fooled; even with the tutorial, it's still hard to get right.

i've just spend the better part of my working afternoon browsing this thread.

i felt the need to register and just post this:

your miniatures are phenomenal as are your ideas. i am really in love with this thread...

Just wanted to resurrect this thread, because I love it.

Paint more cool stuff Rodent

Rodent! Just popped in to check on you my friend. Posted your Rebel Fleet on The Black Ocean's Facebook .

I have to ask: How in the hell did you paint a skull on your A-wing!

Beautiful work, as always. Do you have any other painted works?

also Villie is now my hero


Hero material right there.

Twi'leks are hot. Just saying..

Did I make things weird? I made things weird.. I only said what you were all thinking. Don't judge me!

I cannot tell you how much of an inspiration you have been to me - teach me, Rodent! D:

I loved those mods... I wish we could have a easier way to find them on the internet


Looks cool...who cares about "What Is Official" anyhow...Do IT!


I am...It would be stupid easy to make it look great too, just dry brush the thing with a tad of Talcum Powder in the paint and then give it a glaze of Evil Green-Blue.

Very fun I think.


My YT-1300 and X-Wings will have it. But Tie-Fighters really shouldn't. Don't look right to me with Engine Glow...

Especially as that bit at the back isn't the engine. The two red bits are.

EDIT: *reads dates*

Edited by Lagomorphia

Dude - the winglets and the paint job on the winglets on that Interceptor are freaking awesome.

I wish I had art skills :(

The Royal Guard TIE Interceptor winglets are amwesome. When I custom cut my foam later, I am going to make space for winglets in the foam... just in case I can ever get around to adding them to my own models.

I always love when a touch of darkness is brought to the SW universe, and that the ghost ship asteroids do it just right for me.

I wonder how much work would go into doing something like the A-wing one, but with a fractured/blown away cockpit canopy, revealing the empty seat of that unfortunate long gone pilot, for that extra touch of eeriness.

Wow.... stunning stuff on all fronts... effort, creativity, paint, conversion, originality of source selection... just 100% win... good for you! I also stole your b-wing scheme for half of mine lol ;)

SO... Something else I'm working on... As we all know, asteroids look like they come from a 80s Atari game when they appear on Imperial Scanners.


So how long before this becomes a real thing? I have seriously been looking for almost this exact thing for months!

Hey Rodent, how did you paint this little logo? I'd love to throw a few of those around on my TIE's and other crafts


Edited by FearGFX