Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing

I really like the range templates and Tokens. I have a question though they say not painted, How difficult will it be to paint them as they appear in the pictures on the site. Reason I ask is you are obviously a master at this stuff and some of us are mere mortals. Do they need painting.... i.e. do they look ok unpainted??

Fantastic work on all your ships ... amazing work does not cover it really :)

You just paint over the engraved bit and then rub the excess off, it's quite easy. But too be honest, not really necessary on most of them. I've only really done it with the smaller orange tokens. Jon has done it because his photo rig has issues showing the detail.




As you can see I've only really done the Stress, Crit, Shields and Target Locks.


Edited by Rodent Mastermind

well.. just sent off the order.. the short range sticks and the 1 and 2 straight move guides, in orange and green, and the green bomb tokens.. awesome designs Rodent. Shipping to the US wasn't bad either. very inexpensive..

The Short range 1 stick is so much more useful than I thought it would be. we were waving it around a lot tonight at the gaming group.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

well.. just sent off the order.. the short range sticks and the 1 and 2 straight move guides, in orange and green, and the green bomb tokens.. awesome designs Rodent. Shipping to the US wasn't bad either. very inexpensive..

What was the conversion rate to USD? I was going to order when I realized it was listed in pounds...

£1 = $1.65

well.. just sent off the order.. the short range sticks and the 1 and 2 straight move guides, in orange and green, and the green bomb tokens.. awesome designs Rodent. Shipping to the US wasn't bad either. very inexpensive..

What was the conversion rate to USD? I was going to order when I realized it was listed in pounds...

Yeah the Rodent is right.. it told me

Exchange rate : 1 U.S. Dollar = 0.592073 British Pounds

so 24.50 pounds was 41.38 basically.. including shipping.. (4.50 shipping)

Edited by oneway

Paypal does the conversion automatically too.. so no math.. YAY.. lol

OH dear the Falcon has been destroyed...




Really fast paint job on this one. It's quite fun doing wreckage.

[Vader] **** it, Fett! I said "No Distintegrations"! To you specifically! Did you not hear me? [/Vader]

The circular aperture on a TIE is the reactor. The engines on a TIE (twin ion engine) are to the sides.

Um.. are you on page 2?

We talked about how and where to paint the Tie engine a good while back...

uhh... Joe.. you have the picture upside down on your site.. just thought I'd mention.. ;)

Yeah how did you manage that?

Flipped it cause it started being upskittered


Those templates look scarily pretty, by the way. Will have to look into getting some done..

The Short range 1 stick is so much more useful than I thought it would be. we were waving it around a lot tonight at the gaming group.

I second this, wholeheartedly. I knew I'd use my range 1 ruler a lot, but I'm surprised how much I use the range 2 one as well - it's amazing for setting up asteroids, and checking for something right at the border of range 3. Having all three sizes of range ruler is WELL worth the cost of a second range ruler.

SO, not an awful lot I can say about this one, it's another orange A-Wing.. This time I went with a mirrored pattern but inverting dark and light with the black/grey parts.














Now that my dear Ratt is a fine job of work !


awesome work, I think Joe is in love.. hahahah


The new A-wings look great!!

Also, do you do some of these with air-brush or is it all hand brush?

Those look absolutely evil.

SO... Something else I'm working on... As we all know, asteroids look like they come from a 80s Atari game when they appear on Imperial Scanners.


This may have been asked already, but how did you get the extra wing attachments on that awesome Interceptor? Did you cut up another Interceptor?