Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing

These look amazing!

Nice to see a shot of them all together.

What's next on the list to paint?

Well I have another 2 B-Wing's already striped, basecoated and drybrushed up, so they are already being painted.


But I've also just started the conversion work on my Y-Wings. It took me ages to find 4 pins, from my collection of watch parts, that all were the same size.


So are you doing the brake fluid striping on these new paint jobs now?

depends I did it on the B-Wing, but didn't bother with the Y-Wings, as I felt they would look fine without.

OK so I've got a bit of work done on the B-Wings.

  • Starting with a wet brush of a US Field Drab, I gradually worked up layers of dybrush to a Iraqi Sand. This nicely picked up the details and gave me a good base to work on.
  • I then painted each of the areas a base colour, painting any areas that would be metal black.
  • I then used a small paint brush to paint back in all the panel lines
  • Finally I gave them both a was of Camoshade Wash.

This gives me a nice base layer to start working detail onto.



The Cockpits have been left off while painting as I got sick of knocking them off and then spending half an hour looking for them. So they will be painted last.

I also spend ages last night slicing off the Y-Wing Nacelles and reglueing them as the angle they had been stuck on in china was doing my head in, now they are all nice and straight.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Those look great. I had also noticed nacelle oddness but didn't know if it was warp or what. Might have to slice and dice myself. Rodent, you do some darn fine work.

Those look great. I had also noticed nacelle oddness but didn't know if it was warp or what. Might have to slice and dice myself. Rodent, you do some darn fine work.

The Nacelle is a single piece with a collar, that goes around the cone shaped engine nossel. So it can rotate. The just have stuck them on out of alignment. If I had designed them I would have had a small notch in the nossel and a tab on the Nacelle inside. Which would mean every one was perfectly aligned.

OK here is a picture of the Y-Wings at an earlier stage than the B-Wings,

  • I started by spraying black
  • They a couple of a wet brushes of a US Field Drab
  • Then I gradually worked up layers of drybrush to a Iraqi Sand.
  • Washed with Camoshade
  • Then a couple of very light drybrushes of Iragi Sand.


Got a bit more work done on the Y-Wings

I started with the Cockpit and the caps of the Nacelles are they are generally not as weathered as the rest of the ship, and it allowed me to get in squad markings. I then started building up the main body section. I've seen some models where all the piping has been done in a rust colour and I think it gives a bit more detailing to a ship that can look a touch dull if all painted in beige at this scale. I've washed the area back with quite a few coats of wash, and a glaze of black, and have just started picking back panels the original Iraqi Sand. I think it will take a bit more layering to look right. SO I will highlight up areas then wash back again a few more times.



Very cool. You should paint them. Go to China!

Alright Mr. Ratstire...I have been letting this ride for a while now, but it is past time that you get these eye-sore brass rods nice and black... Black !

Rub'em good with a nice emery cloth first to get a adhesion friendly texture, or the paint will wear off, but yeah that will do, then zap 'em with that black spray twice.

Done yet?


I disagree.. Brass is the way forward.. Black is icky.

But in all seriousness, in the flesh they just disappear into the background, on a black cloth with a flash, they do stand out a lot more.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

I disagree.. Brass is the way forward.. Black is icky.

But in all seriousness, in the flesh they just disappear into the background, on a black cloth with a flash, they do stand out a lot more.

Yeah but me wants 'em BLACK !


Dammit do it because I want you to!


How about a nice black wash then...even.


I disagree.. Brass is the way forward.. Black is icky.

But in all seriousness, in the flesh they just disappear into the background, on a black cloth with a flash, they do stand out a lot more.

Yeah but me wants 'em BLACK !


Dammit do it because I want you to!


How about a nice black wash then...even.


o/ Rat's got some brass rods and he wants 'em painted bla-ack

No more, that shi-ny metal he just wants 'em bla-ack... o/

Edited by Gazerfoxie

I disagree.. Brass is the way forward.. Black is icky.

But in all seriousness, in the flesh they just disappear into the background, on a black cloth with a flash, they do stand out a lot more.

Yeah but me wants 'em BLACK !


Dammit do it because I want you to!


How about a nice black wash then...even.


o/ Rat's got some brass rods and he wants 'em painted bla-ack

No more, that shi-ny metal he just wants 'em bla-ack... o/

We want 'em black...Paint 'em BLACK!





Don't take my Shineys.

Don't take my Shineys.

Oh all right...keep 'em then!


...but mine are gonna be BLACK !


Well finished the Y-Wings, Not 100% sure on them, TBH I think the issue is more that the Y-Wing is SO flat and is hugely monotone in the movies.





Edited by Rodent Mastermind

I really like those Y-Wings. You did a good job on them. :)

Those Y-Wings look really cool and everythinools amazing altogether.

When do you think you will work on a falcon?

Those Y-Wings look really cool and everythinools amazing altogether.

When do you think you will work on a falcon?

Well I still have 2 A-Wing and 2 B-Wings I want to finish first.. I'm still very undecided about what I'm going to do with my YT.. I also probably want 1 more HWK, as I can see myself playing lots of 250pt games and I really like running 2 HWKs at that point value.

I love the engine glow and the highlighting job to make it pop. You sure you didn't cheat and put LEDs in there? Afterall, there are no pictures from the rear.

Love the uniformity on the Y-Wings. Contrasts really well with the individuality of the X-Wings. :D

Go Ratt!


Your work is amazing man, care to give a quick run down on what you do to your bases?

Your work is amazing man, care to give a quick run down on what you do to your bases?

Go back a few paged, I have given detailed instructions

I really like the engine glow on the Y's