Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing

Try Radio Shack. That's where I got mine. I'm modifying one of my B-wings right now, as a matter of fact.

ARGH one of my B-Wing Cockpits has fell off the shelf while I was prepping them for undercoating and has entirely disappeared. I've take a cast of one of the others, but it will be 2 or 3 hours before I can see if it came out OK.





I think it might have bounced into the book shelf.

Well got a new cockpit made, it's not absolutely perfect, but I think only I could spot which one is a recast, and when I paint it I can use the paint to clean up any issues, or add rust.. Adding rust is always good.

The first B-Wing is looking really cool, but looks very Togruta, with the Blue and White striping and the red intake. But I quite like that.


Looking forward to seeing the finished article... Especially as my Bee's are currently 'winging' their way to me through the great British postal system! :D

Looking forward to seeing the finished article... Especially as my Bee's are currently 'winging' their way to me through the great British postal system! :D

Your doomed... .

Nah, you will be fine, I contacted Element Games yesterday saying that I would like them to cancel my Tie Advanced order and switch it to a B-Wing as they still had some in stock, and it arrived in under 24 hours.

Currently waiting on two Bee's and another core set from Tritex... And a couple of TIE Bombers from Ebay... And a Lambda... And that's it... For now (just in case the wife is reading this!) ;) :lol:

Edited by HoundsTooth

Currently waiting on two Bee's and another core set from Tritex... And a couple of TIE Bombers from Ebay... And a Lambda... And that's it... For now (just in case the wife is reading this!) ;) :lol:

I'm trying to be good and not buy anything until everything I've got is finished... I'm mostly being good about it.. The B-Wing was swapped in for an Advanced I ordered over a month ago.

Rodent, you are the paint jedi. I want to steal your powers. or your X-wings. Or maybe your powers and your X-wings.

...prolly just settle on a double pepperoni pizza, though.

anyhow, totes awesome!

Do I look like a filthy Jedi... Only the dark side could fuel my unholy painting talent ;P

OK it's not the best picture (poor lighting and no tripod to stop wobble, so it's very blurry), Still just the base colors, but you can get a rough idea how the decal will work. It's going to go much whiter and I will have some chipping and damage.


Been meaning to ask you, is this a decal, or did you make a stencil for this. I want to do something similar because this looks so awesome. but I could use some advice on it.. heck if it wasn't too much I'd see if you wanna do some more.. lol.. but would like to try it myself first before I have to go another route.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Do I look like a filthy Jedi... Only the dark side could fuel my unholy painting talent ;P

"Let the anger paint flow through you..."

"Let the anger paint flow through you..."

Peace is a lie.

There is only passion.

Through passion I gain strength.

Through strength I gain power.

Through power I gain victory.

Through victory my chains are broken.

The Force shall set me free.

So anyway we had a bit of a battle today, 2 players and 250pts a side, I against character was playing Rebels. Because I had an almost finished B-Wing I ran a 41pt Ibtisam with (Heavy Laser Cannon, Push the Limit and Advanced Sensors). She is awesome, always loved that fishy lady. But also turns out she can fly a ship like a boss. I think she took down 4 or 5 ships out of the 11 ships the enemy fielded. There should be some photos coming (hopefully). Now need to get some more Advanced Sensor cards..

We had 2 HWKs and worked amazingly well too, in larger games the support they can give really comes into it's own. And equipped with a turret they are not awful at doing damage... Saying to the opponent that Ibtisan is getting an extra dice from Jan Ors, so that is 5 dice at range 3, with a reroll and focus. And just watch their jaw drop.... And Roark Garnet at 24 points with a Ion Turret is just very annoying, plinking away with 3 dice in a 360 arc and making you PS1 A-Wings fire first.

Very fun game.

We had 2 cheap ass A-wings with Assault missiles that we set up first on either side of the board. This forced the Imperial player to go with a denied flank so that both of the A-Wings couldn't get to his swarm. We then set up with the HWKs in the middle so they could support all the ships. Ibtisan, Wedge and Biggs were on the other end of the board from the Swarm, so they could go head to head with the Imperials expensive models. without getting swarmed and focused down.


Things didn't go quite so well for my Ally with Chewie he kind of got ganged up on by the swarm and dropped to 1 Hull in a turn. Luckily it was at this point that Ibitsan started buzz sawing down his flank.


Between Wedge and Ibtisan the 2 bombers and Trellix got taken out, unfortunately not before Wedge got hit with return fire, putting him in a bad situation.


From here both sides wittled down each other. But Roark circling take shots with his turret and one of the A-Wings getting off his missile shot (causing damage to 3 of the Imps ships), gave us the advantage.

Going into the late game we had an A-Wing, and an untouched Roark and Ibtisan against 2 damaged Interceptors and 2 Ties. From that point the outcome was inevitable. Ibtisan was taking down a ship a turn.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Um.. 300 Likes on this forum, I've only been here a couple of months.. WOW.. thanks for all the support.

301 now! ;) :D

Seriously though... Wow! That battle looks immense. Great to see your painted ships in action!

We had a 125pt tonight, no photos though... :( ... We were running 125pts which I feel is a nicer point total that 100, it allows you to run a build which has a bit more synergy and HWKs, ordnance and shuttles all feel a bit more useful.

I was running a build with 3 Scimitars with missiles and bombs, Howlrunner and a Bounty Hunter with APT... Worked really well Howlrunner + squad leader allowed me to put down so Target Locks late in the movement, and the bombs did a lot of damage..

I've also decided Green Squadron A-Wings with Elusiveness might just be worth their points. Those things are SO annoying.

Um.. 300 Likes on this forum, I've only been here a couple of months.. WOW.. thanks for all the support.


I think it's the highest number of likes on the FFG forums.. I think the 2nd highest had exactly 299 earlier, and he signed up a year earlier.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

If I like something somebody post, if it is a cool image or a comment that inspires me to think or just gives me a nice giggle...I give it a like.

People should do this, we are a community after-all, not a rabid mob.


OK, some pictures of Tycho's ship. It was a strange one to paint, the red is SO much more vivid than the rest of my Rebels and rust is really had to do on a dark red. I think I like how it came out in the end. But it didn't really come together until I started to get in the white on the guns.

I went with a black astromech, of course Tycho's R2 unit isn't shown in the movies as he's in an A-Wing, and it is never named. It does appear in one of the early Rogue squadron comics, but there is only one clearish shot of it and it looks black, but that could just be the fact that it's not really the center focus of the frame and it's a classic comic so can be a bit fast an loose with colouring.

As you can see since I last managed to get some photos I've repainted all my bases. The modifications made them look a bit messy, especially the last batch which I drilled out and put bigger magnets in. It wasn't a very precise job because the drill was not the most responsive electric drill, so I had to fill in a few places with green stuff. I went with a black spray and then painting nebulae and stars on it.








Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Um.. 300 Likes on this forum, I've only been here a couple of months.. WOW.. thanks for all the support.

The Dark lord of paint, after all.

This is my first B-Wing, I'm probably going to mix up the colour scheme for each of them, so the next will be very similar with the gun casing in the darker red. The third I'm thinking of using the dark beige colour instead of the grey blue on this one. Also things like the stripes will change in number, also I might go with 2 thin, 1 thick on one of them. The main things that will remain constant is the dark blue and white striped cowling and the engine block.

The 4th when I get round to painting it, it's still in the box, will be done in a mostly in the red. with the cowling red and white.

This should make them feel very rebel and pieced together as a squadron, but still with enough cohesion to look like a group.














This is one of your best brother!!!

