Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing



Me no like it.


I can dig it.

Turns out the main flash had rotated and was pointing at the ceiling, which would explain why the B-Wings came out very dark and grainy.. anyway I fixed it and got a group shot of all my Rebels. Still need to go back and retake all the B-Wing images.


Having done such a beautiful job with your bases, it puzzles me why you didn't paint the copper rods in black too.

I tried to help him out...several pages back..but he wants them ugly, I mean brass.


Sigh, some people no sense of style..


Started work on the back paniers. As you can see I build it like a box with heavier duty plasticard for the supports. Also added panel lines, radar dish and piping to the front panier.


Then I add cargo door plate and fill in some of the sides with green stuff. So I now have both of the back panier builts to the same stage. They are still very plain but a bit of extra grebling, some panel lines in the door and the door hinges should help a lot with that. I'm wondering if I should leave off one of the top panels on the other Front-Side Paniers and have some support piping and machinery in it to make up for some of the detail lost on the top hull of the Falcon model.


Edited by Rodent Mastermind

I just don't like the style of this ship. I know you will make it look fine, but it just ain't my cup of Tea Ole Ratt...


So have any of you tried this, I need a defuser for the back of my YT-1300 where I'm planning to have 2 Blue and 1 white LED... Cutting out a strip from a Ping Pong Ball would be really easy.. It would also be a LOT less bulky than using Hot Glue.

So have any of you tried this, I need a defuser for the back of my YT-1300 where I'm planning to have 2 Blue and 1 white LED... Cutting out a strip from a Ping Pong Ball would be really easy.. It would also be a LOT less bulky than using Hot Glue.

I saw that and was curious about it but I was thinking that it would leave the engine too dimly lit. As it is with the hot glue, it's hard to tell that it's lit up during a well lit game vs. a good paint job.

Third day.

Built the rig to hold the battery and LEDS/ It is removable so I can change the Battery easily or replace anything that breaks. Added magnets to the Engine plate so it stays in place. Also finished putting in the pins, this should break up the light so it looks more segmented. I found a decent material for the defuser, a milk bottle. So lighting it up is going well.



On the Cargo pod side of things have go the basic blocks for 4 of the 5 pods made, and have put in pins to hold them in position. They will need a bit of fine tuning. Built the Starboard pod with one of the hatches off showing that it has internal machinery and possibly life support. Because what kind of Outlaw are you if you can't carry cows.

Next is the front pod which will be the hardest to make as it has to take in to account the cockpit. Then once I have them all in place I can start fixing them all in final positions, adding the clamps that attach them to the hull, hinges and other detailing.

I've filled in all the bullet holes and scratches on the underside so I may have to add new ones elsewhere on the model.




Edited by Rodent Mastermind

As I thought the front Panier has been a pain so far to get looking right. I think the front angle isn't quite right. But I'm leaving the green stuff around the Cockpit passage to dry before doing any more construction on this piece.

So I'm going to do some work on the back paniers,



Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Looking good so far...




What a fantastic modelling and paint job!

The Guard Interceptor in the 'Aces' pack should look like yours, like seen on the title card!


Those little fins are missing on the model provided in the pack .....

Edited by TheRealStarkiller

That's because they decided to save money and do a simple repaint, versus figuring out how to do that.

OK so have replaced the turret, Hopefully it's the right weapon to defend bovines. Don't want Pirates stealing the cattle I'm smuggling. The turret needed replacing anyway as it sat far too low when the cargo pods were in place. And the new version does turn. I've started building a viewing area under it. The front area and part of the roof will be windows. But at the moment I just have the basic shape in. I've also built the underside of the cargo pods. So once it's all dry I can start building the hinges and adding the final detailing. There is still quite a bit more work on the front pod though.






Edited by Rodent Mastermind

OK finished detailing and attached the Observation lounge and Gun Turret. It's really nice to have at least one area of the ship finished.




Edited by Rodent Mastermind

that looks awesome.. really cool addition to the ship.

Been at my parents without Camera Access.. Was quite busy with things but I did manage to get this finished.

Took a while to work out how to take photos as the flash reflected off the defuser, just leaving a grey bar. I found if I put it on a long exposure it could get the glow in after the flash.








Edited by Rodent Mastermind





Edited by Rodent Mastermind

I... I...

I need to change my pants. Several times over. This is amazing.

Indeed, some very impressive work... bravo Rodent..

I just love the LEDs!

That's a thing of beauty. Does it have the brass peg modification? Couldn't tell from the bottom side picture - just curious.

Does it have the brass peg modification? Couldn't tell from the bottom side picture - just curious.

Not yet, I need to work out the sizes for the Large models.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Really awesome stuff!

What do you think, for an ace, to have markers for his/her kills? Would be a nice touch on your veterans.

Really awesome stuff!

What do you think, for an ace, to have markers for his/her kills? Would be a nice touch on your veterans.

I'm not going to repaint my models after every game. But the Rogues to have kill markings on their X-Wings. Wedge does include 2 death stars.