Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing

You can see here how badly the photos came out, the hull is a beige and has a white line running through it, but here it's entirely washed out and you can't see any of the detail on these areas.

I'll try to get some better pictures done.








Edited by Rodent Mastermind

This one came out much better


Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Nice X-wing! Love the corsec markings on the wing and hull.

OK.. On the second try I managed to get these looking much better so I reuploaded them. The new versions of Corran and the A-Wing should be all showing in my posts above.

OK that's all the Corran ones done too.. and here are a few extra





Edited by Rodent Mastermind


Really like these green wings. Might have a go at repainting.

Great job on the rebel repaints!

Dat A-wing engine...

Just started working on my HWK-290. It's interesting, I'm still not sure if the colour scheme will work. I'm working on the idea it's owned by a Mandelorian, So I'm working with blues, greys and some quite bright metal panels around the beak made out of Mandelorian Iron. I'll probably put the mandelorian skull somewhere on it, along with their crest... We will see if it works out.

Great stuff, the CorSec logo on the x-wing, is that a transfer? It surely cannot be a freehand?

Freehand, along with the checkers.

Freehand, along with the checkers.

You showboat you...

;) :lol:

Beautiful repaints. I may have missed this somewhere in the posts but did you strip or just paint over existing?

Both of those two I painted over the top of, as they had just really had a wash.. Occasionally I strip when there is thicker paint, like on the TIE/Ln repaint (The ones that are really white)

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

So the Songbird, my custom blue HWK-290 is finished. That was an interesting project, blue can come across really vivid and it's quite a pain to weather. I wasn't sure it was going to work at all until I was 80% of the way through the paint job. But I'm really pleased with the final result.

Wedge is started, and though I thought the checkers on the nose were going to be a real pain, they were actually fairly painless compared to the Mandalorian skull on the HWK. The whole paint job is coming along nicely, The nose cone is more or less done, with weathering and the kill markings including the 2 death stars. R2-A3 is finished, and I've managed to get one of the wing decals done.

Unfortunately it's horrible outside, so no photos for now. But here is the reference image I'm using for Wedge.


Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Holy crap Rodent Mastermind. I'm going to have to make a section on our site just for you! Your recent A-wing and X-wing are outstanding! They will be featured on The Black Ocean's Facebook on October 28th and 29th at 8am.

If you have any other works to send please email me at [email protected]!

Right now I'm going home to break my brushes and throw away my paints, lol.

Beautiful work!

OK finally a decent day for photos.

So here is Songbird, my HWK-290

Wedge should have had photos done, but something went really iffy when I hand varnished him with Matt Varnish, for some reason the recesses went white. So he went back to have them touched up, but for some reason it kept coming through. I finally gave it a spray of Gloss Varnish as that should set hard give me a surface I can work, so I can fix it.

Strangely the Gloss Varnish seems to have dissolved a lot of the issue. So I'm currently giving it a touch up, then another layer of varnish, then I'll wait about 2 hours before trying to Matt Varnish it again.











Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Ugh. The dreaded white varnish issue. That has doomed a few of my figures in the past...

Great looking paint jobs, keep it up!

That is some fine work.


Awesome! That blue on the HWK is beautiful, love the scheme for the x-wing and a-wing too....truly outstanding.

Ugh. The dreaded white varnish issue. That has doomed a few of my figures in the past...

Great looking paint jobs, keep it up!

It's the first time I've had an issue with paint on varnish, I've entirely stopped using the spray version.

OK managed to get him Varnished properly, and fixed any issues so here are the pictures of the X-Wing flown by Wedge Antilles during the Bacta War










Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Your repaints are amazing!!!!

It's good to see something a bit different as well.

I need to get on with trying to get a couple of x-wings painted, sort of outs me off after seeing yours as I'm not going to get as good a finish.

Your repaints are amazing!!!!

It's good to see something a bit different as well.

I need to get on with trying to get a couple of x-wings painted, sort of outs me off after seeing yours as I'm not going to get as good a finish.

Thanks a lot, I love your YTs as well, I'm trying to work out what I'm going to do when I get to that bad boy, so many cool conversions.


Next up is Tycho in his Bacta War colours, At least no checkers on this one. It's going to be slightly wierd having Tycho's X-Wing, if I'm using an A-Wing with Tycho piloting it, but at 100 pts what's the likeliness of having all 4 of my X-Wings out and an A-Wing piloted by Tycho, and for bigger EPIC games with friends I can just use a House Rule card with Tycho's PS and Ability on an X-Wing.


Trying to decide who to do for my 4th X-Wing though. I know Corran, Tycho and Wedge well but not having read all the way up to the Bacta Wars I don't know a lot of the other Rogue members at that time.

People keep suggesting Ooryl Qyyrg, who is great, but either be a bit boring to do as his X-Wing is pure white to the human eye, or expensive to paint if I try to do something mad involving Flick paint varnishes and UV reactive paints. So he might get left till later as a fun experimental project.

I think I could have some fun with Inyri Forge's X-Wing with Black Sun Crime Syndicate markings, but I worry that he may look a bit dull in just black and white.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind