Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing

yes awsome,

i hope to paint my minis as and when i have time.


Ugh that Shuttle is soooooo gorgeous. Its just taken me from wanting to paint my minis when I have some time to dying to paint my minis ASAP.

Just for completion I thought this should be posted here too.

This is my Shuttle. Since I messed it up so much trying to get the wings to work I just pinned it into flight position. It looked like it would have scraped off any paint I had on the chassis anyway. Luckily the back fin of mine comes seperate so it shouldn't be hard to store.

I went with a very different colour scheme. I thought it would look striking in black. So here is the ST-623 "Eclipse" requisitioned to the Emperor's Shadow Guard.







And here is a close up of the tail detail, It's the ships call sign and reference number in Aurebesh.


Just incredible.

FFG needs to hire you to do their painting! Just outstanding.

FFG needs to hire you to do their painting! Just outstanding.

Ha! We need 60,000 units finished by mid 4th quarter.

FFG needs to hire you to do their painting! Just outstanding.

Ha! We need 60,000 units finished by mid 4th quarter.

Yeah I think they will need to contact Kamino immediately, and order 10,000 Republican Clone Painters.

FFG needs to hire you to do their painting! Just outstanding.

Ha! We need 60,000 units finished by mid 4th quarter.

Yeah I think they will need to contact Kamino immediately, and order 10,000 Republican Clone Painters.


Wow rodent, that Lambda is second to none. That thing is f--king awesome.

That shuttle is amazing. How did you make the engine burst behind it?

So lot of layers apparently but no aerobrush. Thats good for me, since I haven't an aerobrush! Thank you!

Well that is two of my Bombers finished. They are interesting models to paint, in the movies they are almost completely one shade of grey, but I felt they needed a bit more definition at this scale so tried to use a variety of different shades for different areas. Also my Vet has it's ship number written on the Weapons pod and a thin red stripe.

LOL, and I'm aware one is flying sideways... OOPS.. I'll take some more pictures when I next have the Camera set up with them flying the right way.










Edited by Rodent Mastermind

To break up the monotomy of painting Bombers I made another "Asteroid". The Irony is not lost on me. But painting Wreckage is very different from painting ships.




Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Had to do a slight modification to the stem for the Bombers, due to their weight they moved all over the place when you picked them up. So I had to add a collar on the top of the stem and use a 3mm. I also found a 3mm at the bottom really helped so I made this alteration to all of my Mk2 stems.


Edited by Rodent Mastermind

fantastic dude, i honestly love your wreckage more than your ships (and i still love your ships) simply because it's nice to see something different

keep up the great work

fantastic dude, i honestly love your wreckage more than your ships (and i still love your ships) simply because it's nice to see something different

keep up the great work

Indeed, he sure is encourageable!


Is that a metal attachment to the base of the mini itself you are using to connect it to the rod? What size is that/where did you get it? I'd like to do the same thing but with the CorSec rods with a metal sphere cap that allows you to 'bend' the ship into its manuevers, give it more of a life like look.

It's a 3mm (just measured it, i thought it was 5mm, my bad) Neodymium magnet, you can pick them up on Ebay easily.

That wreckage is incredible! I love it.

That TIE bomber wreckage may very well be the most impressive miniature work I have ever seen.

Love the bombers.

How do you go about making your wreckage? You mentioned the material you use previously but do you think you would possibly be willing to share a tutorial with us sometime?

Love the bombers.

How do you go about making your wreckage? You mentioned the material you use previously but do you think you would possibly be willing to share a tutorial with us sometime?

I might well do one over on A Few Maneuvers sometime next week. I'm thinking of doing a second destroyed bomber so it might be a good one to show off.

Not the best photos, but these will be sprayed before I get a chance to take another photo. Another two Asteroids, these a bit more Asteroid-ey... In space over time debris collect into small clumps. So I thought I would make some clumps of rock, dust and Tie Fighter bits.

The Rock is slate which I've broken up with a Hammer. I've taken a reasonably sized piece and glued a piece of plastic rod to the back, reinforcing with my Green Stuff/Milliput Mix. Then I've stuck down the larger ship pieces, then build up the rock around them using more smaller pieces of slate and a mix of sand and PVA glue to fill in the gaps.

I then put them in the oven on a Slow Cook to dry faster. Once reasonably set I drilled out holes and glued in wire for extra detailing.



Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Your pictures are to **** small...Ah!

Your pictures are to **** small...Ah!

their just perfect if you're looking from your PC monitor instead of your phone/tablet