Some Photos of stuff, you know Slave-1 & Interceptors.

By Rodent Mastermind, in X-Wing


So do you have stats on that Droid Fighter ?

Which Droid Fighter?

That BIG red&black monster!



You mean the Emperor's Guard Interceptor, that's piloted by one of Palpatine's personal guard.. No Droids

This is a card someone else made up, but it looks about right.


Rodent Mastermind can you make me a couple Royal Guard Interceptors...

Drooling in jealousy.

Rodent Mastermind can you make me a couple Royal Guard Interceptors...

Drooling in jealousy.

Possibly but they probably wouldn't be the cheapest of things, that one took a real long time to do

I needed some relief from painting TIEs , so I decided to mess around with Siligum, putty, plasticard and wires.... I think my "Asteroids" came out not too bad. Though the photos aren't amazing. The mix of greenstuff and porcelain Milliput I use though amazingly tough is almost impossible to photograph due to it's color



Edited by Rodent Mastermind

And I have now finished my veteran, I'm really pleased with how he turned out. I'm even half tempted to do a group of 3 of them in these marking.. Anyhow, that leaves me with just 1 TIE to finish. I'm not planning to pick anything more up for Imperials till wave 3 comes out in a couple of weeks.









Edited by Rodent Mastermind

You have to do ALL your Tie Fighters that way! Great paint job!

Good work on that "Piece Of Junk"!


BTW; the red and black monster I was joking about was your evil looking mouse.


Good work on that "Piece Of Junk"!


BTW; the red and black monster I was joking about was your evil looking mouse.


Oh that thing, I stick that on a flying stand and call it the Rogue Shadow.. it's not far off..



That video of the empire doing battle makes me want MORE!!

Good work on that "Piece Of Junk"!


BTW; the red and black monster I was joking about was your evil looking mouse.


Oh that thing, I stick that on a flying stand and call it the Rogue Shadow.. it's not far off..




Ha, Ha!

Nice my man, but that is wayyy to much mouse, even for The Rodent Master I think...


Edited by Joe Boss Red Seven

Say guys how popular is this Rouge Shadow? Do you think the thing has any reasonable chance of being made by FFG?


It's very possible they have made the Moldy Crow now, which is from another game. Sizewise, from playing the game, the main capsule holds 2 and is similar in size the the control area of the Falcon, and watching him jump out the back, I think it's a very similar size to the Falcon (I think Wookiepedia is wrong about it's size again).

Yeah? Because I am about to make that **** thing myself...Ha.Ha!


I may do a crazy version of it just for my Pirate Fleet , so that I have a look that is cool like the actual ship, but then if our fellows here DO Make the official RS, then my converted model is still cool. Does that make any sense or am I rambling all over the place...

OH dear the Falcon has been destroyed...




Really fast paint job on this one. It's quite fun doing wreckage.

Edited by Rodent Mastermind

Rodent wins again with awesome stuff

Well the last of tthe Ties is finished, I do want more than 5, but I think it's best to save my cash for Wave 3, and pick up more next month. Also got the second piece of rubble done and have started on an A-Wing. I'm really happy with how it's coming out, the tiny Rebel symbols look ace. But unfortunately won't be able to get pictures for a couple of days.

Well the last of tthe Ties is finished, I do want more than 5, but I think it's best to save my cash for Wave 3, and pick up more next month. Also got the second piece of rubble done and have started on an A-Wing. I'm really happy with how it's coming out, the tiny Rebel symbols look ace. But unfortunately won't be able to get pictures for a couple of days.

Boo! We want pictures of your sexy ships! :D

I finally got a hold of 2 more A-wings to complete my rebel case.



Filled in my missing Tie interceptor at the same time. Now I have to get a case for my wave 3, which should be in the mail very soon.

Well the last of tthe Ties is finished, I do want more than 5, but I think it's best to save my cash for Wave 3, and pick up more next month. Also got the second piece of rubble done and have started on an A-Wing. I'm really happy with how it's coming out, the tiny Rebel symbols look ace. But unfortunately won't be able to get pictures for a couple of days.

Boo! We want pictures of your sexy ships! :D

<Big Joe Boss stands behind Ace Painter Pinder with massive arms folded, and nods in approval as he taps a heavy booted toe, impatiently>


I finally got a hold of 2 more A-wings to complete my rebel case.



Filled in my missing Tie interceptor at the same time. Now I have to get a case for my wave 3, which should be in the mail very soon.



This stuff is brilliant, its definitely inspiring me to start working on some of my own paint jobs. I do have a couple questions though, other than the video that was posted did you use any references for decals? and are you using 2 brush blending for your feathering? and finally, what varnish are you using after the dry brushes? Most varnishes I have experience with aren't great to paint over and kill the detail somewhat. Your paint jobs look really smooth.

I'm only using one brush, but I'm using lots of layers and tend to have a bad habit of licking my brush and then feathering. I'm using an Army Painter gloss varnish, you need to be a bit careful when you paint over it as new paint will go on matt so there will be a bit of a contrast but you get used to ignoring it. I then use gloss at the end followed by a paint on vallejo matt. I've tried lots of matt varnishes and haven't found many that are better, sprays cause issues.

ER and I might have accidently picked up a 3rd starter, so another 2 ties in the white with the Imperial symbols on the wings I think.

Oh and I also picked up some thin brass rod and some brass tubing that can act as a sheef to make it fit the bases, should be interesting to play with

OH dear the Falcon has been destroyed...




Really fast paint job on this one. It's quite fun doing wreckage.

I would use this wreckage in place of an asteroid in a hearbeat!!!

Awesome work.

OK actually if I had the money to waste on half a dozen models to destroy, and the artistic ability to make them look like cool wreckage, I have to admit that a debris field made out of ship parts would be a pretty freaking sweet alternate asteroid field.